Now I am frustrated! Is this fair......

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17 Jan 2008, 1:41 am


Just raving, life is too short for war, your town too small to take on a Profession, they do have to golf together or something.

People are really bad shoppers. When it comes to a sweater, they know the price at every store in town, and on line, plus shipping. When it comes to life and death issues, they never gave it any thought, and take the first and nearest office that offers to validate parking, and do open heart surgery.

There is a Professional Association, they list all memebers in a book with pictures, and the sex crimes of which they have been convicted. Pending cases are not published out of fairness.

There is this, we cannot advertise thing, so you have to shop. The Professional listing would have things like has ever heard of Autism, date minted, where educated, and I doubt there are many.

Like other drug dealers, the first one is often free, so you can shop.

I think you want one young and plyable. It will take an open brain to keep up with you.

Your natural state would be destabilizing to an NT, you do not want excuses, you want answers.

As all the wonderful folks on WP are nowhere near figuring it out, you cannot expect too much from some poor outsider. The best they can do is try to explain people in general.

NTs cannot be cured, but with kindness, and good humor, they can be dealt with.

Old dogs never make good pets, too much past you know nothing about, you need a puppy that can grow up with you.



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17 Jan 2008, 6:37 am

Lab Pet, I'm coming late to your post so just catching up.

I went through something similar with my GP and a neurologist (re a medical problem, not AS). The GP simply would not listen, so I wrote him so that he had no excuse whatsoever in ignoring my symptoms. I tried hard to engage him in treating me.

In the end I went to another GP. That's no exactly an easy thinkg to do in the UK - we do not have a culture of shopping around for doctors - the NHS allocates you a doctor and you are supposed to be grateful (and worship him).

Similarly with specialists - if GPs are gods then specialists are Masters of the Multiverse. They know all and see all. (Not).

Equally, sexism is rampant here amongst doctors. If you are a female patient then you are almost automatically put down as neurotic before they look at any possible physical causes for your symptoms. Everything you try to do to get clear answers is put down to this 'neuroticism'.

That notwithstanding, now I make sure that I write everything down and endeavour to get written answers from them. It's a way of making them articulate their sexist and biased opinions. Which, of course they don't. Mostly they do not reply. Which speaks volumes for their respect and care for patients.

We also have another couple of big problems in the UK: the NHS is bankrupt (literally, if it were a commercial concern it woud be trading unlawfully now) so there is very little money for treatment unless you are in the 'headline target' groups.

These targets are set by government - they get counted and reported on (cancer and heart treatment etc). Everything else can be ascribed to some form of neurosis which is dead cheap to dismiss and treat with the government's official, written direction to doctors to 'watch and wait'. Seriously. They are told to watch and wait and not to refer on to specialists.

I'm with Zendell on this - doctors essentially are scammers.

If I may presume to offer you any advice it would be to find another doc. I have a rule of thumb - if you have to ask more than 3 times for anything then the person/organisation is not able or not interestedin helping you. Time to move on. Their loss - just thinkof how much invaluable information and learning your doc could have gained from you. Tosser - he doesn't want to learn. His loss entirely.


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17 Jan 2008, 7:05 am

wsmac wrote:
2ukenkerl wrote:


I think you got the best part of the deal, and have nothing to envy.

A LOT of "scientists" AREN'T! They merely stay there to get money. YOU sound like someone that goes there to do work, and have fun, and gets paid for what you like. It is just a shame that we have to pay so much to support the idiots that just do it for the money and JUST DON'T CARE! :cry: :roll:

I'm sure you knew this but I wanted to 'be sure'... she's still in university at the moment... but your words may describe her very well when she finishes and hits the road for the first job (or stays right where she's at and works?).

I think that saying 'A LOT' is a bit over generalizing. I also believe that many professionals start out with greater intentions, but, due to the jobs they wind up with and their own personal lives... those dreams and ambitions get worn away somewhat.
I've certainly seen this with medical doctors. They start out wanting to save humanity, but burdened by Medicare/Medical/other insurance red tape, expectations of the hospital administrators and boards, expectations of their own patients, etc. really does a job on people.

While I certainly have seen folks who seem to not have the 'right attitude' from the get-go, the majority I have been in contact with always start out with noble intentions but find out reality makes it hard to keep those intentions alive.

I hope that you weather everything just fine labpet and when you finish at UAF, you find a job with someone who helps to keep your passion(s) alive. :D

Well, I guess I haven't been following it as well as I would like. Thanks for the clarification. I hope she can get a good job at a good rate with such allowances. It is nice that she doesn't even have to talk much.

And I was SERIOUS when I earlier said that was a GOOD thing! I have been falsly accused of a lot of things, and sometimes my copious notes, memory, or email were the only things that saved me.

Just a couple months ago, a disaster happened and I was blamed and yelled at. Email proved that someone ELSE caused the problem! Similar problems happened even a couple weeks ago.

As for my statement about "A LOT"? I have met FAR too many stupid people in the medical field, computers, etc.... I have met some respected "scientists" that were also stupid and had dumb ideas. I think I was being generous in even recognizing that some percentage might be decent.


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20 Jan 2008, 4:15 pm

Thank you for the reasoned advice......I shal sic the Inventor on PsyD...heh heh. Now I must have ADA accommodations at the University (I live in the lab). Mine are very easy but PsyD has to say 'ok.' He will comply. Then, I'm done with him. 2ukenkerl, do not let anyone accuse you of what you're not. You are strong in being pragmatic - persevere.
Aspies speak their mind which can be either enduring or exasperating, depending upon the given NTs perspective.

Thank you lupin, I think repeated attempts are futile! They (ie: doctor) either 'gets it' or not. I do not 'spoonfeed.'

Doctor shopping. They had better come with coupons, a rebate offer and warranty. Mine is (was) insufficient.

The ones who say “You can’t” and “You won’t” are probably the ones scared that you will. - Unknown