OregonBecky wrote:
I have a few nice NT friends. They say I can always make them laugh. They also have mentioned that I bring up subjects that they never thought about and it gets them talking with more introspection.
It's not because I have such a wonderful mind. It's because, as I struggle to figure out hwo to get by with my delicate temperament, I pick up some interesting insights that some NTs find compelling, usually Sagitarians. Don't know why.
Dont unerestimate yourself, OregonBecky. If you are like the aspies I know, you are very intelligent, very funny and have a unique view of the world.
Hey, WP is the best place I've ever been, a place where I can be myself. I'm NT
I think there must be some chronic learning disability that is so prevalent among NT's that it goes unnoticed by the "experts". Krex