'tis true. I've been in very similar situations. I think my downfall is that I can't really make decisions for myself, so I don't speak up for myself much, then I'm also naive and tend to believe whatever anyone tells me.
So I wind up going along with things, knowing that I don't really want to (or at times, just literally not knowing whether or not I do), but am too intimidated to just say anything, so I get myself feeling almost "trapped" once I realize what is going on. Either that, or the few times I do speak up, it takes me so long to sort it out in my mind and make a decision that it's far too late.
My first 3 relationships were probably all the stupidest "decisions" that I've ever made. I don't know if I would necessarily call it a decision or not, but I went along with things just because I didn't have the slightest clue what I was getting into, and of course, upon meeting someone you can't necessarily predict how they will be if you aren't able to pick up on "warning" signs of any sort.
They all said they were nice guys, and I believed it. The same old "I would never hit a woman", etc., and I believed it without even thinking twice. After going through it, I've discovered if a guy says that early in a relationship, lol, it's most likely not a good sign...
I'm in a great relationship now
Sorry for the long post...
I'm my own guinea pig.