1. Having a high IQ doesn't help one being cool, or accepted, or anything like that. In fact, the thing that has helped me have at least, aquaitances or not being more of an outcast than I already am, is the fact that I dumb down (which can be good, it's good to enjoy the simplicity of life) and don't take myself too seriously (snobs are annoying).
2. Having a high IQ equals being gifted, but having a high IQ DOESN'T EQUAL being a genius. Giftedness is about how high is your IQ or what abilities do you have, genius is about creativity and using your abilities and IQ to create something new, or to change and improve something, to develop all your potential.
Example A: The woman with the highest IQ (like 280 or something) on earth, works for a magazine answering questions. it's a great job, but she doesn't need to develop her full potential for that, and she's not creating anything new or using her IQ to transform anything - so, not a genius.
Example B: There's an independent film feat. an actor who has Down's syndrome and did an excellent job, building a great portrayal of his character. He probably doesn't have a high IQ, but he has acting skills and puts them to good use, developing his full potential and creating something (an acting interpretation) - in some way, one could say he's a genius.
There are geniuses and non-geniuses of all kinds of IQs, of course the most famous and respected ones are the ones who are both gifted and geniuses (like Albert Einstein, for example), but even being that way, it doesn't guarantee being cool or not having people laugh around you, or having friends at all.
I like being gifted, but it doesn't solve problems at all.