I'll echo what others have already said and also say that I dislike humans as a species; I will not use the word "hate" as that is a strongly toxic feeling I avoid.
As for race, I am ambivalent. Humans mistreat one another; this happens along many boundaries, race, sex, political belief, religion, mentally different - humans will use any excuse they can come up with to strong arm and dominate one another.
I happen to be of light-skinned NW European descent, primarily Scottish; I find the term "white" derogatory, and get angry at people who try to apply it to me.
That said, I refuse to feel shame for any particular "race" crimes that I had absolutely nothing to do with. I feel pity for people who have been duped into being ashamed of their "race" for things they had nothing to do with; I see people like that as simply self-loathing racists.
So I'm light skinned, and people with similar colored skin once enslaved people with darker coloured skin. Am I supposed to feel guilty over this? Should I apologize to then next dark colored person I run into? I think not. If I bore the guilt of all of the atrocities humanity has committed against itself over the millennia, I'd go insane.
I see only humans oppressing humans. And guess what - there've been plenty of "white" slaves throughout history also. My Scottish ancestors were brutally oppressed by English invaders for centuries - "white" on "white". But is it really just a white problem? A glance at Africa and the constant genocides going on there quickly shows "black" on "black" conflict also. And, yes First Nation peoples warred with one another also. I'll leave looking around the rest of the world for the numerous other example, past and present, as an exercise for the reader.
The problem is not "race" - the problem is humans. Don't feel shame - be better.
Good fortune,
- Icarus suffers the sins of our fathers...
Please forgive me if, in the heat of battle, I sometimes forget which side I'm on.