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08 Mar 2008, 3:58 pm

I used to be more sensitive, less now. Guess I'm losing my hearing. 8O

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29 Aug 2009, 12:38 am

poopylungstuffing wrote:
I am around loud music all the time..and have been for a large portion of my life, so in some regards I am desensitised to it. I do wear earplugs alot....

Um...I am sensitve to sudden sounds...sudden loud sounds will jar my thoughs...I am also sensitive to certain frequencies....either really high or really reactions will range from irritability to nausea...uncompressed low bass is my least favorite....

When I am not listening to a live band, I keep my stereo kinda low and I hate it when the stereo is even a fraction louder than i want it to be.....which is odd concidering the number of loud live bands I listen to.

I am also very sensitive to tiny sounds....I will not understand a single word that is being said on the television in the other room, but I am aware of every little external noise that is audible to me in and outside the house....the fridge...the flourescent lights..the fan in the computer..the ac....the ac rattling the loose vent in the next room...and so on...

This is close to what I believe my son experiences... sudden sound of coughing sends him over the edge.. is it just startling or does it causr physical pain?


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29 Aug 2009, 1:33 am

searchingmom wrote:
poopylungstuffing wrote:
I am around loud music all the time..and have been for a large portion of my life, so in some regards I am desensitised to it. I do wear earplugs alot....

Um...I am sensitve to sudden sounds...sudden loud sounds will jar my thoughs...I am also sensitive to certain frequencies....either really high or really reactions will range from irritability to nausea...uncompressed low bass is my least favorite....

When I am not listening to a live band, I keep my stereo kinda low and I hate it when the stereo is even a fraction louder than i want it to be.....which is odd concidering the number of loud live bands I listen to.

I am also very sensitive to tiny sounds....I will not understand a single word that is being said on the television in the other room, but I am aware of every little external noise that is audible to me in and outside the house....the fridge...the flourescent lights..the fan in the computer..the ac....the ac rattling the loose vent in the next room...and so on...

This is close to what I believe my son experiences... sudden sound of coughing sends him over the edge.. is it just startling or does it causr physical pain?

I used to hate, hate, hate startling sounds. I would go into a panic when the dishwasher or furnace clicked on. I have "grown out" of it, though, especially if I know the sound is coming. Loud, startling sounds may still make me uncomfortable and a bit anxious, but I don't go into a meltdown or anything like that.

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29 Aug 2009, 9:29 am

hyper or hypo sensativity to sesnory stimuli can be experianced by non a.s people, but they certainly are extramly common in autism.

i just walked out of the voluntary job i do on saturdays after asking for the music to be turned down three times. i could only hear it faintly from the floor below, but i just wigged out in the end..

noise vies for first place with Being Around Other People for what ruins my life most. i am so sensative to noise and touch im woken constantly through the night and get 5-6 hrs sleep a night of broken sleep. with sleeping pills. and ear plugs.
it ruins my life...

in fact, im surprised there are not higher levels of drug and alchol problems with a.s. given the high levels of stress- id drink, but i generally perfer to spend money on physical goods (hoarding/collecting).


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27 Mar 2011, 8:37 pm

Old thread, but am learning about sound sensitivity, and am finding yet again, another subject on this site that has information that is so close to what I experience. I only now am looking into this, and am wondering so many things. I really just thought that I was touchy, bitchy, negative, etc and that sounds bothering me was a symptom of other problems.
I have a hard time hearing whispering, right next to me, but the people three rows back talking I can't seem to ignore. Can't stand to hear loud breathers, my neighbors drive me nuts (some are trying to be understanding),

Anyone have ideas on how to deal with these issues?

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27 Mar 2011, 8:47 pm

I'm really bad with kids screaming in enclosed spaces. gah.... It's like someone taking an axe to my noggin.

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27 Mar 2011, 8:53 pm

I can be sensitive to loud noises, but it's more a combination of the pitch and volume that bothers me. Loud high pitched noises are like a needle in my eardrum, but lower pitch doesn't bother me at all. Loud music is just annoying, even if I like the artist that's playing.


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15 May 2011, 6:03 am

I remember when I was about 9 or 10 we were at the beach and there was some sort of concert on from one of our radio stations and the noise affected me and I was having a meltdown we ended up leaving as all I wanted to do was go as far away as I could.


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17 May 2011, 3:36 pm

I'm quite sensitive to noise, though I wouldn't say that I was so severely affected in this way that I struggled to function in many settings. To be specific, I'm troubled by loud noises and by certain types of noise (screeching or squeaking, namely) to a greater extent than the average person, to the point where I often have to cover my ears when out and about.

As a child, I was occasionally known to be reduced to meltdowns by excess noise. This has ceased to be a problem, though noisy environments can bring about high levels of stress and anxiety.


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05 May 2012, 12:26 am

Although it's not officially part of the DSM IV (one of the things critics condemn), it is considered to be part of the ASD spectrum diagnosis. It's not just noise sensitivity, but sensitivities to other external stimuli including light, touch, taste/food texture, and smell. I for one have all of these sensitivities, but noise is by far the worst. I startle very easily, much to the amusement of my peers. One of my coworkers even asked if I had sensitive hearing today at work, as I work in a very loud place and am prone to jumping at everything. It is not typically that our senses are more sensitive (i.e we can hear/see things others can't) rather, that the nerve pathway that the stimuli travel along are more sensitive, and so the things that get sent to our brains are interpreted more strongly than in others. There is an official disorder known as Sensory Processing Disorder (not a PDD) that effectively encompasses these sensitivities, as well as several other internal processing difficulties, including trouble with vestibular movement (swinging/being off-balance, etc), kinesthesis (the ability to tell where one's body is in relation to other things), and dyspraxia (lack of physical coordination) to name a few.

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05 May 2012, 3:08 am

It is common with AS, though i don't think it is exclusive to AS

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05 May 2012, 4:45 am

I hate loud noises. I live in a city wit sirens going off all the time. And my neighbours have dogs. ugh.


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05 May 2012, 9:10 am

It can definitely be a sensory issue associated with Autism and Asperger's.


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05 May 2012, 9:53 am

With me, I was sensitive to noise as a child. As an 11 year old, I had an accident and ended up with a head injury. The noise sensitivity stopped just after that.

I'm now sensitive to noise again. Bit unhappy that it's taken 3 GP visits to be referred to ENT. But, the first one did tell me it's probably due to blocked ears and I had them syringed.


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05 May 2012, 10:11 pm

Big problem with me but I have Misophonia as well. :cry: :cry: :cry:

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06 May 2012, 12:11 am

When I was younger I had incredible hearing, and at the same time very sensitive hearing. I recall many meltdowns due to loud noises as a child.

Now as I am aging my hearing sensitivity has greatly decreased, and I am much happier because of it.