I had to use it to get an appointment because of possible ASD... my thoughts went along the lines 'what the heck? Why am I forced to call lots of high ranking strangers when I'm suspected to be autistic?'
That reminds me of when I tried to find a clinic to get help for my "ADD"....I literally had at least one meltdown because the receptionists were so rude on the phone..
If you are an adult attempting to seek help for ADD, these people seem to automaticly assume that you are a speed freak, and can be really nasty on the phone. It seemed to happen over and over again. It was horrible...
I wrote a long letter (never sent) to one doctor...after having meltdown...that since his field is psychiatry, he should be cognicent of the fact that many people who call his office are probably in a sensitive mental state and that it should be expected of his receptionists that they treat people in a kindly manner for that reason at least....