"You are mentally insane." I am just sitting and reading my AP Biology textbook, while you're the one screaming at the top of your lungs and flailing your arms. And who is the insane one?
"You are stupid and ret*d and not fit to live in the same house as your normal little brother." If I'm so stupid, how come I'm in all advanced classes AND I make A's and B's?! Hmmmm?
"You think you are so superior to everyone else." You say that, but you can never explain why you think that I do. Because I certainly do not think I am superior to everyone else.
"The world doesn't revolve around you, you know." Of course not, and I never said that it did. I just want some time alone, please!
"You're not autistic, you're just lazy and wierd." Uhh, maybe you should do a little more research...
"You should be isolated from all of society." And why do you think that? Because I think differently than you do?
"You sound like a robot." I believe there is no point in raising my voice and making all these useless intonations when you are standing right in front of me and you can hear and understand my words.
"There's no point in applying for a job, because nobody is going to hire you." And yet, I got hired the very next day! Now what?
"You'll never amount to anything." I make high grades AND I won a photography contest and I got accepted into two colleges. Hmmm...
"No wonder you have no friends; you're too quirky." Little do you know, I have a close knit group of a few friends who understand me. But you wouldn't know that, because you've never even tried to understand.
All of the above quotes were said by my mom. And she is still says hurtful things up to this day. The quotes are followed by my reponses in my mind. Some of which I have actually said to her out loud, others I have kept in my head.
I plan to move in with my boyfriend as soon as I turn 18, just to get away from her. My boyfriend is also AS, but less so than me. Yet he understands me perfectly, and we love each other very much.