aurea wrote:
I get angry that they are so close mind. I'm tired of being told by his school that he is barely on the spectrum, they have had other kids on the spectrum and they were nothing like my son.
First rule to learn= if you have seen one autistic person, you have seen one autistic person, they are all different!
I would concur.
I get annoyed when various "professionals" from a psychology background think they understand aspergers, yet are notorious for missing social/interpersonal signals.
I was amused when I was told about a meeting between three people. The radiologist (background in SPECT scans), a behavioral neurologist and a "psychologist" (not clinical - but a supposed "expert") The result, no consensus on anything. The psychologist thought the radiologist was narcissistic. The radiologist thought the neurologist wasn't interested, and the psychologist was disrespectful to the radiologist. The neurologist thought the radiologist had aspergers. Both the neurologist and the radiologist actually knew something from the neurological standpoint. The psychologist was the one who claimed to be an expert (yeah, right!).
One of my friends (not present) who actually has significant experience with autism and aspergers, and adopted an autistic girl of her own(at 6, now almost 8 now), also says children on the autistic spectrum are all different, so figure out what they like to do and stick with it. She routinely plays chess with her daughter, or her daughter plays with other kids, because its fun for her.
One thing that really annoys me is when people assume that computer people have Aspergers, but are themselves notorious for poor interpersonal skills.
Neurotypical is overrated!