I always hear the sound of CRT TVs or certain lights, sometimes really loud if the item is in bad repair. I can easily hear a TV on several rooms away without any sound on, by the noise it makes. I suppose this is part of the reason I never watch TV, but just videos on my computer monitor (LCD).
This is particularly bad when I'm stressed. Worst case scenario happened a couple of days ago with a midterm I was writing when a florescent light gave up the ghost suddenly above my desk. It greyed out, and started making a medium loud really high pitched noise, and went back between being back on and being off with the high pitched noise every 10 min. or so for the rest of the test. The most irritating part is that it didn't appear to bug anyone else. I'm not entirely sure if it interfered much with my test (I suppose it probably did some, but I wasn't doing so well on it anyway), but I don't think it the others would have liked it much if they were trying to write the test with a car alarm blaring outside the classroom half the test duration. At least the light didn't start flickering too; that would have been quite unbearable.
If you're curious about your hearing range, here's a test: link
I can hear up to and including the 17k tone properly (however, the 18k and 19k tones still sound different than nothing...they make a noise for me, but not of an identifiable note) (they say that the CRT is at 15.6k).
Beware of geeks bearing gifts.
Last edited by dancing_penguin on 03 Nov 2011, 10:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.