kraftiekortie wrote:
It depends upon the illusion; sometimes, they give me a headache.
There's a branch of psychology that deals with illusions.
Have you submitted any art within the Arts/music section of WP?
As far as visual art for me: forget about it. All I can be is an Abstract Expressionist
Well, I like the two faces/ goblet one. It actually inspired me to do certain drawings of my own, such as different animals depending if you look in the white or black.
Yeah, I'm aware that there is such a branch- I've done some research into it before. At one point I considered perhaps going into being a therapist, but people deterred me from this claiming I wasn't extroverted enough, or patient, and some people say that I lack sensitivity/too honest/ lack tact.
So...people tended to push me more to work with animals, science and/ or computers, since I'm not exactly known as a people person generally. When we had a College taster day, my art teacher even stopped me and said I clearly hadn't thought about what subjects I had put down to try on that day. They actually changed all my subjects for that day, and I had to do the things he put down for me, because he was in charge of running the school trip to this College where we tried out subjects.
Fittingly enough though, I do like animals (especially cats) and of course computers, and partly science (especially genetics and epigentics). Granted, although I like the theory of psychology, I don't think I could do it as a job (unless I was a cat behaviour expert, that used to be my dream job).
No, I haven't submitted any work to the Arts/Music section. I should probably sleep, it's 3am here!
Time flies. Bye for now.
Support human artists! Do not let the craft die.
25. Near the spectrum but not on it.