Some insight please? Im driving myself nuts...
Ive been diagnosed with 3 of the things you mention (avoidant personality disorder, social phobia and depression). Its weird that so many "professionals" can get so many people wrong. It kinda scares me that they dont know any better. If the people who are supposed to help you dont know what they are doing, then what?

I can check 3 phobia, depression, & schizoid personality disorder...although on the last one the therapist that did the evaluation for schizoid personality disorder said I scored in the high range...he said it "didn't quite fit"...he was the one that said asperger's, he worked with children that had asperger's.
In all fairness I think they try...they're trying to evalute you on what they see in a 1 to 2 hour span of time you're in their office. Sorta like don't really know a person until you "live" with them.
I think you're right, they do the best with the time they have been given. And i can safely say i havent told my therapist of all the things i mentioned in the first post, just because ive always gotten the feeling she doesnt take me seriously and just waves my worries aside. She would always make up some excuse for me being a certain way, and not always a very logical one. Which is fine i guess for some things, but when you behave a certain way forever, when you're always that way... I just recently discovered that not all people work like me. Most people dont. Thats when i started asking her questions, and thats when she started saying all kinds of mean things she obviously had no clue about at all. She should atleast take me seriously as i know myself better than anyone.
If you go to a doctor and complain about a headache, you get checked. Thats all i want, a check to see if everything is as it should be.

re- shopping- i have to find out where something is sold, so i can go in and ask as many questions as i like about something! that way noone realsies how completly mad i am being!! !
also- saddest of all- its really the noly social interaction i ever have; and shop assistants are PAID to help you- so i dont care. then i go online and find the cheapest one, which is a alittle sneaky.
i dont work, and i am very alone.
yes, my mum get really upset that i dont like being hugged and stuff- now i just let her, as it makes her happy, and i was so mean to her when i was growing up. it makes me fel really akward. and really- basically someone is touching your breasts! i dont understand how taht is normal!? its quite funny! but mostly i am sensative no my arms, back, shoulders, and back of my legs. also neck. and head. and clotehs can bug me...
i cant wear different socks, as my feet get confused (like walking in one shoe, and one bare foot- you get totally differnt sensations- and its just WRONG!! !).
i only found this site today, and for the first time i feel normal- its amazing!! i never wanted to go to group therapy for depression (stupid, thick whining people- id be afraid of hitting someone in annoyance!) but i would love to meet people with aspergers; would everyone be saying 'err- i dont quite understand. what exactly do you mean?' ' i think you're being quite rude, you know' etc?? not shaking hands as they dont like touching. no idea who said smoething, as noone makes eye contact.
ive been told by psychs i just need to be more postive etc- and try and get out more etc.
i hate going out, unless its empty countryside, or night.
i think maybe because a lot of people w asperger's- as i was- initially come for treatment for depression, not weird behavioural problems, they fit everythnig around that. so already theya re starting from a biassed view- rather than doing a whoel evaluation.
im surprised so many people can be diagnopsed young; a lot of thnigs seem to require a good degree of self knowlege,a nd self honesty. do try the b vits; they are good for depression and stress.

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