Why do I feel inferior to everyone else?

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01 Jun 2008, 5:59 am

I think it depends on the level you have overcome your own issues and the way others trear you. If you are struggling with meltdowns and just plain can't understand most people, you fell inferior indeed. But if have learned to read others intentions through just improvement over the years, your meltdowns are under control because of meds or you are keeping away from stress, and you find those Aspie friends who struggle to, and even give you pointers in areas you are having problems with, and who always point out and remind you of your positives, you will fell no "inferior" or "Superior" but more like a person again, everyone struggles, just with different things. Trust me, I've been to that point (trying to get back there) very possible. I think its more "felling accepted" or "not feeling accepted"

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01 Jun 2008, 9:30 am

I am 28, and most people my age have either been married for a few years, or at least have a long term gf/bf. Some of them have kids, a big house, lots of friends, good jobs,etc...

Sometimes I see them, and I wish it was me in their shoes, but when you take a closer look at their lives, a lot of them aren't perfectly happy, or where they want to be either.

*They fight all the time with their spouse/bf/gf
*They are stressed out
*They worry about money, or are in debt
*Some of them have lost their "big fancy houses" do to ignorance, and to living a lifestyle they can't afford.
*Have problems with their kids

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01 Jun 2008, 2:08 pm

Not getting married dosn't make you inferior it's just a fancy contract that makes you promise never to cheat that a load of compnies (sucseesfully) made a load of money off of it.

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01 Jun 2008, 2:20 pm

jamescampbell wrote:
Not getting married dosn't make you inferior it's just a fancy contract that makes you promise never to cheat that a load of compnies (sucseesfully) made a load of money off of it.

How true!! The grass is always greener etc etc... And what an expensive load of grass!


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01 Jun 2008, 6:18 pm

I definitely have an inferiority complex. I'm also passive-aggressive. For example, I let people walk all over me because I hate confrontation and don't want to have to defend myself, but the problem doesn't go away and then I snap and tear them to shreds (verbally of course) and people are like "OMG what is her problem?"


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01 Jun 2008, 8:31 pm

makuranososhi wrote:
simply a sense of being out of phase, an ulterior being - neither superior or inferior being - with a different path and timeline that the rest. M.

Precisely. A lot of things can get me down, but I have never felt that I had less intrinsic value than anyone else (though I am sometimes a tad jealous of those who are born with innate talent and grace at things I have to work diligently to achieve). Yes, it can be frustrating to see others achieving the things our media and society tell us define success, but honestly, when I see the things people have to put themselves through to get there, I'm glad I don't have the capacity to lie, cheat, ass-kiss and focus long hours on a job I hate at the expense of my family, so everybody can have a new iphone and a backyard pool. All the people I know who live for that kind of lifestyle are shallow and boring. Screw that, I'd rather do something I love and wear the same comfortable clothes I've had for the last ten years. I'm not inferior, just alternately motivated.

As for the forging relationships part, you can learn some of that. Getting one started is fairly easy. Keeping one alive is another matter entirely. Again, the real questions are: Is this actually a priority? Are you reeeeallly willing to make the sacrifices necessary, and will you ultimately be genuinely happy with the result?

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01 Jun 2008, 9:07 pm

benherszen wrote:
I was was diagnosed with asperger's syndrome about 5 years ago this coming June. im 34 years old . My issue is that I feel like I everyone in my age group specfically neurotypicals are getting married, have steady jobs , alot friends, REALLY THEY HAVE A LIFE AND I DONT.

Does anyone else feel this way? I feel so inferior to everyone else.

Thanks Ben

You feel inferior because you need to exclude critical people from your life and find people that encourage you into your life.

Yeah with all of these men lining up to get neutered
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02 Jun 2008, 4:06 am


That is what the mundies would have you believe.
They've got it backwards though. They're inferior and don't want to admit it.


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02 Jul 2017, 7:57 am

Occasionally, I feel this way sometimes! I remember when I was still is school I tried to make friends but nobody wanted to hang out with me! It really made me feel inferior! I sometimes still struggle to make friends and I easily get discouraged when People reject me! It has happened so many times throughout my life. It really hurts!


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02 Jul 2017, 8:54 am

Yes, but this is improving as I get out into the world more. I have more education than a lot of people, but I feel this is really a superficial difference. I only got my driver's license four years ago, and had to work to get it back again after an embarrassing incident. I have only a part time job, but my responsibilities have expanded and I am doing nearly everything others are doing, with the exception of front desk work. I don't know if I will ever have a full-time job, find someone who likes and accepts me for who I am and get married. I'm too old to have children now. Even if I do somehow manage to have a good life, I will probably die alone with only cats for company.

Even with all my education, when I see myself in relation to others, I am the dumb person in the room in terms of life experience. I feel that I may never experience the kind of growth and change necessary to have a full, meaningful life.

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02 Jul 2017, 4:53 pm

matt wrote:
I've always felt inferior to everyone else.

But I've often been accused of thinking I was better than everyone else.



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12 Jul 2017, 12:00 am

Because you've got a lot of walking to do in your own hallways, you're very valuable and capable just gotta spend more time within your own house. Everyone has different qualities of strength and weakness, this makes us human, we can strive to reinforce and redecorate certain areas but we're never going to be fantastic in every department and we're also never going to be crappy in every department.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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12 Jul 2017, 12:20 am

Ableism is discrimination against people with disabilities. Being able is a type of privilege. Autism is a difficult disability because sometimes it is hidden from view, but never from the person struggling with it.

http://everydayfeminism.com/2016/09/soc ... m-ableist/
http://everydayfeminism.com/2016/10/abl ... n-schools/

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12 Jul 2017, 12:24 am

nettiespaghetti wrote:
I definitely have an inferiority complex. I'm also passive-aggressive. For example, I let people walk all over me because I hate confrontation and don't want to have to defend myself, but the problem doesn't go away and then I snap and tear them to shreds (verbally of course) and people are like "OMG what is her problem?"

My friends were talking about this just a few days ago...saying someone they know is always crabby. I'm like sheesh, must be nice to be ALWAYS healthy and happy :roll: count your blessings I guess.
But my therapist did suggest a healthy alternative to the exploding: use the assertiveness formula. "This is how I see it," "This is how it makes me feel," "This is what I need from you..." People who care about you even a little want to hear your feelings and needs, and even when your voice is shaking and it is hard to do, you will definitely feel better! Good luck! :heart:


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12 Jul 2017, 9:30 am

I read a post I made ten years ago under a different screen name (one reflecting my love of animals, particularly cats) and see a lot of positive changes. One thing that frustrates me is my anxiety over doing small things, things I need to do to become more independent. I get especially nervous when I feel I am being rushed. When I take my time, I am fine. If I can't show people what I can really do, I probably won't be able to make very specific changes I need to make to take things to the next level.


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12 Jul 2017, 9:18 pm

I was was diagnosed with asperger's syndrome about 5 years ago this coming June. im 34 years old . My issue is that I feel like I everyone in my age group specfically neurotypicals are getting married, have steady jobs , alot friends, REALLY THEY HAVE A LIFE AND I DONT.

Does anyone else feel this way? I feel so inferior to everyone else.

Thanks Ben

"everyone in my age group"? 34 years old. plenty of neurotypicals over 34 are not married, do not have steady jobs. or do not have jobs. or do not have a lot of friends.

half of marriages end in divorce. in the united states. so getting married is not necessarily a good thing.

friends are better than no friends. all things being equal. but not all things are equal. quantity versus quality.

friends, jobs, and marriage does not make someone superior to someone without them.

stop comparing yourself to people.

every situation is different.