Do you like fire / bonfires / candles?

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23 Apr 2008, 4:17 pm

I love burning things

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23 Apr 2008, 4:20 pm

Specter wrote:
nope. :( I should think of that next time I have to burn the paper garbage. :)

Really? Could you put it on youtube when you do? :D

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23 Apr 2008, 4:21 pm

I like playing with fire.

I am often lighting things on fire, whether it be old cardboard containers, dead tree branches (dead before i light them on fire, of course) or having an open bonfire. I've accidently started two fires that ended up quite...err...big. Thankfully they were able to be put out without the need to call the fire service.

I'd have to say the most interesting thing i've seen on fire would be the hair on my head! It wasn't very funny at the time...or when the fire was out (my hair was completely singed). Now that I look back on it, it's interesting because I could have potentially died, but escaped without even a scar thanks to my cousin who hit me on the head a dozen times to put the flames out. What memories! :lol:

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23 Apr 2008, 4:23 pm

Brittany2907 wrote:
I'd have to say the most interesting thing i've seen on fire would be the hair on my head! It wasn't very funny at the time...or when the fire was out (my hair was completely singed). Now that I look back on it, it's interesting because I could have potentially died, but escaped without even a scar thanks to my cousin who hit me on the head a dozen times to put the flames out. What memories! :lol:

Dare I ask how your hair caught on fire? :D Also I have to confess that I have a strange curiosity... did it smell putrid?

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23 Apr 2008, 4:31 pm


An old barn. When I was little, my mother and I went to my grandmother's. She wasn't home but we noticed smoke coming from one of her barns. Before we knew it, it was up in flames. I just stood there watching it burn with a strange excitement.

I would be excited as well. If I ever stumbled upon a house fire or similar structure fire I know I would be totally captivated. Just the mere thought of it is exciting. Some decent house fires can be found on YouTube.


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23 Apr 2008, 4:36 pm

venuseagle wrote:
Brittany2907 wrote:
I'd have to say the most interesting thing i've seen on fire would be the hair on my head! It wasn't very funny at the time...or when the fire was out (my hair was completely singed). Now that I look back on it, it's interesting because I could have potentially died, but escaped without even a scar thanks to my cousin who hit me on the head a dozen times to put the flames out. What memories! :lol:

Dare I ask how your hair caught on fire? :D Also I have to confess that I have a strange curiosity... did it smell putrid?

My cousin was making "gas bombs" with a lighter and a bowl (I think it was something like trapping the gas and then lighting a flame, letting the air in and then "POOF!").
For some unknown reason, he decided to stand directly behind me and make one (I didn't know he was doing this as was fixated on a tv show). When he did it, the flame caught fire on my hair. He started slapping my head and at first I thought he was just giving me a beating until I felt the heat...and smelt the smell. And ohhh yes, the smell was putrid! I don't know how to describe the smell, it just smelt aweful.

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23 Apr 2008, 4:38 pm

Brittany2907 wrote:
My cousin was making "gas bombs" with a lighter and a bowl (I think it was something like trapping the gas and then lighting a flame, letting the air in and then "POOF!").
For some unknown reason, he decided to stand directly behind me and make one (I didn't know he was doing this as was fixated on a tv show). When he did it, the flame caught fire on my hair. He started slapping my head and at first I thought he was just giving me a beating until I felt the heat...and smelt the smell. And ohhh yes, the smell was putrid! I don't know how to describe the smell, it just smelt aweful.

Hair has sulphur in it, that's what you were smelling.

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23 Apr 2008, 7:15 pm

uh yes, yes, and yes. I like fire (controlled fire anyway) and so does my mom and my dad, and my mom's dad (aka grandpa). I don't know why but I enjoy making and maintaining fires in the fire place and wood burning stove at home, and candles are nice too though I perfer more fire than that... :wink:


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23 Apr 2008, 7:22 pm

venuseagle wrote:
bobert wrote:
When I was a teenager, we had several spectacular fires. One was a huge wooden horse barn, a few miles out of town, that went up in flames. I was bothered that they didn't get all the horses out. The other was a very tall wooden grain elevator type building that burned one night. You could see it burn for miles around, and our parents drove us into town to watch. I think they were just as fascinated as we kids were.

Your posting is really interesting and brings me to another question.

Have any of you seen fires that you have actually caught on camera or video?

I saw somebody's camper go up in flames on the hiway a few years back

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23 Apr 2008, 7:41 pm

Yes, I love fire. not in a pyromaniac sense, but I find it fascinating to watch. There's something really awe inspiring about it, like watching the universe turn into raw energy. I can stare into a flame for hours.

my latest obsession is my zippo lighter. I like the clicking it makes when it opens, but every so often I light it to watch the flame. It's very theraputic. I don't even smoke, so I really don't need the lighter, other than when i'm lighting candles or the bunsen burners in the lab.

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23 Apr 2008, 8:46 pm

I love heat and fires. I can stare at a candle or a fire in the fireplace for a very long time. It's peaceful, somehow, and very interesting.


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23 Apr 2008, 9:11 pm

I like controlled fire; fireplaces, etc. Can watch for a good long while. It's soothing, for some reason.


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23 Apr 2008, 9:27 pm

Yes, I had an interest in fire that centered more around melting metal or glass at high temperatures and seeing what would happen. It generally followed my obsession with static electricity and high voltages. I wanted to get a Van DeGraff generator and experiment with it. When I did jewelry repair out of my house, I used a gas oxygen torch which got extremely hot and could watch copper melt.

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24 Apr 2008, 12:43 am

I've always loved to watch flames. It may sound odd but it relaxes me watching them dance.


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24 Apr 2008, 1:44 am

spudnik wrote:
I saw somebody's camper go up in flames on the hiway a few years back

That's a spectacular photograph, spudnik. 8O


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24 Apr 2008, 2:28 am

One of the things I love about camping is sitting around the fire with friends. Somewhere I have a picture of a campsite where someone turned an old toilet into a firepit. If I had a scanner, I would scan that picture so I could post it here as it was pretty cool. Last Sunday, there was a miniature golf building that was on fire next to a freeway, and most people slowed down to get a look at it.

I also had my hair catch on fire, but that was because I had hairspray in my hair and I leaned over a candle.

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