Tired of NTs telling me I need to change my personality

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15 Nov 2005, 2:00 pm

Lexie wrote:
I don't have Aspergers, but I can't understand why anyone would try to get you to change who you are. At least you arent pretending to be something that you aren't, which is something that the rest of the world is too busy doing to notice that you're comfortable with yourselves.

People are scared of anything or anyone who is different.

We don't understand it either. Alot of us like to do things by rational rules, but most NTs don't think that way. Double standards, hypocrisy, etc., are staples of being NT.

Read some of my previous posts, along with other posts here, and you'll see exactly what most of us have and do go through.

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15 Nov 2005, 3:07 pm

PrisonerSix wrote:

We don't understand it either. Alot of us like to do things by rational rules, but most NTs don't think that way. Double standards, hypocrisy, etc., are staples of being NT.

I know, and it's sad. It makes me angry, because NTs, although they don't supposedly have emotional difficulties, or whatever you'd call it, are the most critical, unaccepting, and as you said, hypocritical, people. They truly do have double standards, and I think it's wrong.

I admire Aspies because they aren't fake people.


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18 Nov 2005, 10:54 am

Lexie wrote:
PrisonerSix wrote:

We don't understand it either. Alot of us like to do things by rational rules, but most NTs don't think that way. Double standards, hypocrisy, etc., are staples of being NT.

I know, and it's sad. It makes me angry, because NTs, although they don't supposedly have emotional difficulties, or whatever you'd call it, are the most critical, unaccepting, and as you said, hypocritical, people. They truly do have double standards, and I think it's wrong.

I admire Aspies because they aren't fake people.

Double standards have always been difficult for me to understand. I see them being applied left and right in our society, and everyone seems to have no problems with it. People will tolerate a behavior from someone pushing their agenda while not from someone else.

I've always wanted to just be myself, but often got trashed for it and didn't know why. I can remember my parents trying to constuct this false image of me to make me seem like I was something I wasn't. My mother used to like to tell people I loved swimming when in reality I hated it and resisted every attempt to make me swim.

I can also remember around the same time, my mother got this idea in her head about TV being a really bad thing. She would often at random restrict TV and I can remember once incident where we had to write in school about what we did one day, she insisted no TV be put on it so they could see I'm smart and didn't watch TV, which I didn't really understand since I did sometimes watch TV as did other members of my family, and didn't understand why TV watching would make someone seem bad.

At least someone in the NT world respects us.


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18 Nov 2005, 12:18 pm

Excellent post! :) I've given up on traditional psychotherapy because for years--before it was known exactly what was "wrong" with me (a teacher once suggested an autism evaluation, but my parents were deeply offended :? and needless to say did not take the suggestion)--well-meaning counselors and such would tell me to "get over my fear" (I come off quite stiff and spastic [or "like a rabbit afraid of its own shadow," someone once said), to "get out of my shell," etc.

Well, interestingly enough, at one point (as a college undergraduate) I *tried* these counselors' advice and (in one example) "started conversations with three people a day." The conversations were very short and my feelings were hurt. Looking back with the increased social wisdom I have these days, it's clear that what I said to the three people was completely inappropriate for the contexts we were in. (In a psychology class, for example, I started talking to a girl about C.G. Jung's interest in Tarot cards, in which I was also quite interested at the time.) Grr.

Another thing which has recently irritated me is that one of my "flaws," according to others, is the various negative emotions I seem to be feeling perpetually--fear, unhappiness, etc. For one thing, in most cases I'm not feeling the way inside that they assume I'm feeling based on their perceptions of me. Secondly, how ironic is it to be told that your *flaw* is feeling a particular negative emotion, and you need to stop at once or you will remain deeply flawed! "Way to make someone feel better"/feel more positive emotions, eh? ;)


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18 Nov 2005, 1:04 pm

Excellent post! :) I've given up on traditional psychotherapy because for years--before it was known exactly what was "wrong" with me (a teacher once suggested an autism evaluation, but my parents were deeply offended :? and needless to say did not take the suggestion)--well-meaning counselors and such would tell me to "get over my fear" (I come off quite stiff and spastic [or "like a rabbit afraid of its own shadow," someone once said), to "get out of my shell," etc.

I did try counseling for a little while, the doctor said my problem was I didn't socialize enough or have enough friends. I gave up on counseling after that.

Well, interestingly enough, at one point (as a college undergraduate) I *tried* these counselors' advice and (in one example) "started conversations with three people a day." The conversations were very short and my feelings were hurt. Looking back with the increased social wisdom I have these days, it's clear that what I said to the three people was completely inappropriate for the contexts we were in. (In a psychology class, for example, I started talking to a girl about C.G. Jung's interest in Tarot cards, in which I was also quite interested at the time.) Grr.

I was lucky when I was in college, I managed to avoid doing alot of socializing. It seemed like it was easier there than it was in high school as socialization wasn't forced on us. I did make a few friends believe it or not, but still, it wasn't the same as others.

Another thing which has recently irritated me is that one of my "flaws," according to others, is the various negative emotions I seem to be feeling perpetually--fear, unhappiness, etc. For one thing, in most cases I'm not feeling the way inside that they assume I'm feeling based on their perceptions of me. Secondly, how ironic is it to be told that your *flaw* is feeling a particular negative emotion, and you need to stop at once or you will remain deeply flawed! "Way to make someone feel better"/feel more positive emotions, eh? ;)

I went through the same thing. Our negative emotions are just as much a part as our positive emotions, and we must deal with both. Although getting angry to the point of breaking things isn't a good thing, just shutting down when feeling anger isn't good either. We need to learn to deal with our anger in healthy ways, not just suppress it.

I was also frequently told to pretend to be happy, to smile all the time, and everything would be good for me and if I didn't, my life would be nothing. Being forbidden your emotions isn't easy because eventually, you can't keep them bottled up.


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18 Nov 2005, 8:24 pm

emotion-wise, I recently experienced a profound shock to the system when realising it is perfectly acceptable to say things like " I am angry" out loud. (as long as you don't shout it) What was shocking is that I found that just saying "I am angry" or even "I am very cross with XY for doing/saying Blah Blah" has a calming effect on me in so much as it seems to release some pent up emotion.
I just never had an opportunity to learn before that this is OK because any time I was around angry people in the past, they were either shouting or throwing things or behaving in other non nice ways.
Also, people say things like *I am not happy about...* and make it sound like the worst insult in the world. However, when I try and say that in the same way, it doesn't seem like anyone takes it seriously. This is probably because I don't take it seriously either. *sigh*


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18 Nov 2005, 9:46 pm

Bless your heart! I too have gone throught the "if only you'd change life would be better..."
I haven't obtained that offical dx of AS yet, but I have, over the years, had each componant diagnosed seperatly. (No one put the puzzle together until my cuz meantioned it couple years back....) I have spent hours wondering why I couldnt change, no matter how hard I tried. I suspect that the NT's can tell, as others have posted, when I am a "fake" NT. After becoming aware of all of this, I suddenly no longer want to "fake NT" anymore. I feel I can be who I was made to be without further attempt to hide the fact that Im AS. I wont be singing it from the rooftops because of my work, but I wont be working so despratly to "fit in" where I clearly do not.
It was kinda librating really.... :wink:
Here are some of the "lovely" things have said to me;

"if you keep acting that way you'll never get married"
"you are craizer than a S**t house rat"
"cant the Dr just 'fix you' " (im not a cat....)
"why cant you act like a normal young lady for once?!" (dad, god bless him)
"you act like my autistic patients" (My late sister said that one years ago before Aspergers was diagnosed in any frequency)
"You have to know that no one here likes you because you act so strange"
"You're weird."
"you get on my nerves with that [insert topic im talking about here] obsession, there is more to life than [insert topic again]!"
"you need to get out and mingle with people more"
and one of my favorites.....
"Its not that people dont like you because you're so smart, its because act the way that you do."

Oh and at work "you are NOT allowed to have an alamanic here anymore... oh wait, you are a WALKING alamanic.." (I kinda liked that one :wink: )


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30 Jun 2015, 11:30 am

My mum still says that sort of vile crap and accuses me of taking everything the 'wrong way' and s**t like that actually she's been like that to me since 1977. Others telling me to be myself and act so called 'normal' anyway like lying bar stewards. The thing is when you be yourself as the allistic advice (always out of date) goes they really get on your case and change goalposts and that is just my family. No wonder when a family member dies I don't show or experience grief because of issues like this.

Also allistic people do go around thinking Aspergia owes them a living and we don't. I'm afraid that allistic people have to earn my respect and this involves not getting pissed off when we be ourselves and stop trying to impose their kind of thinking on to us. I agree that Aspergians should be Aspergians and if allistic people don't like it then it is tough we can't all be perfect. There is a vast difference between normal and allistic but not if normalcy is defined as neuroprivilege. So if relationships not just the romantic ones I mean friends and family as well in relationships are all one way and we are always in the wrong then what do you call that? Allistic people telling you need to change your personality is more than just a subtle hint of aspiphobia or some other kind of prejudice or bigotry and its apologists.:arrow:


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30 Jun 2015, 12:30 pm

nirrti_rachelle wrote:
The question should be who weren't the people telling me to do all these things.


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30 Jun 2015, 3:02 pm

"You need to find a better way of interacting with people."


I hate it when people put "need" in their sentences when they're telling me things. I don't need to do a single fscking thing you say.

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30 Jun 2015, 3:07 pm

"You are a waste of resources, a parasite."
"What's with these ret*d reactions?"
"You're dubious."
"Your presence annoys me."
"When are you going to kill yourself? I don't like waiting."
"Kill yourself."
"If I were like you, I would kill myself."
"Nobody likes you. Stop begging for attention."
"Your existence is null."
"You don't have the right to say that."
"Your speech accent annoys me."
"You can be normal."
"Be normal!"
"Stop being an idiot!"
"If you weren't autistic, you would be an OK person."
"You can recover from this disorder. I've been through worse things, trust me."
"The way you act annoys me. I don't care if you can't keep yourself from doing it. What if I couldn't keep myself from punching you?"
"What a loser. Shut the hell up! You've made people hate you more than ever!"
"Are you aware that being beaten hurts?"
"Stop being a drama whore."
"You deserve to die."
"Stop acting as if you were God!"(I don't believe in God, and I wasn't trying to manipulate anyone)
"Stop harassing people!"(I wasn't harassing anyone)
"Why are you staring at me?"(I wasn't even looking in her direction)
"Why are you following me?"(I wasn't following her)
"Unlike you, that guy with Down's is civilized. You, on the other hand, are a stupid animal."
"At your age you should be interested in this and that, not in video games."
"You're a child, you don't think."

I'm a Romanian aspie.


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30 Jun 2015, 7:22 pm

Cockroach96 wrote:
"You are a waste of resources, a parasite."
"What's with these ret*d reactions?"
"You're dubious."
"Your presence annoys me."
"When are you going to kill yourself? I don't like waiting."
"Kill yourself."
"If I were like you, I would kill myself."
"Nobody likes you. Stop begging for attention."
"Your existence is null."
"You don't have the right to say that."
"Your speech accent annoys me."
"You can be normal."
"Be normal!"
"Stop being an idiot!"
"If you weren't autistic, you would be an OK person."
"You can recover from this disorder. I've been through worse things, trust me."
"The way you act annoys me. I don't care if you can't keep yourself from doing it. What if I couldn't keep myself from punching you?"
"What a loser. Shut the hell up! You've made people hate you more than ever!"
"Are you aware that being beaten hurts?"
"Stop being a drama whore."
"You deserve to die."
"Stop acting as if you were God!"(I don't believe in God, and I wasn't trying to manipulate anyone)
"Stop harassing people!"(I wasn't harassing anyone)
"Why are you staring at me?"(I wasn't even looking in her direction)
"Why are you following me?"(I wasn't following her)
"Unlike you, that guy with Down's is civilized. You, on the other hand, are a stupid animal."
"At your age you should be interested in this and that, not in video games."
"You're a child, you don't think."

Wow, that's quite a list.
I don't see how anyone can go through years of this kind of stuff without having serious PTSD at the very least.


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30 Jun 2015, 7:34 pm

olympiadis wrote:
Cockroach96 wrote:
"You are a waste of resources, a parasite."
"What's with these ret*d reactions?"
"You're dubious."
"Your presence annoys me."
"When are you going to kill yourself? I don't like waiting."
"Kill yourself."
"If I were like you, I would kill myself."
"Nobody likes you. Stop begging for attention."
"Your existence is null."
"You don't have the right to say that."
"Your speech accent annoys me."
"You can be normal."
"Be normal!"
"Stop being an idiot!"
"If you weren't autistic, you would be an OK person."
"You can recover from this disorder. I've been through worse things, trust me."
"The way you act annoys me. I don't care if you can't keep yourself from doing it. What if I couldn't keep myself from punching you?"
"What a loser. Shut the hell up! You've made people hate you more than ever!"
"Are you aware that being beaten hurts?"
"Stop being a drama whore."
"You deserve to die."
"Stop acting as if you were God!"(I don't believe in God, and I wasn't trying to manipulate anyone)
"Stop harassing people!"(I wasn't harassing anyone)
"Why are you staring at me?"(I wasn't even looking in her direction)
"Why are you following me?"(I wasn't following her)
"Unlike you, that guy with Down's is civilized. You, on the other hand, are a stupid animal."
"At your age you should be interested in this and that, not in video games."
"You're a child, you don't think."

Wow, that's quite a list.
I don't see how anyone can go through years of this kind of stuff without having serious PTSD at the very least.

May i add another one?

"Autism is all in your head, you can learn social skills if you actually went to a club instead of sitting behind your computer"

Edit : Another one, said to me twice today.

"That is the second time you say that, why do you keep repeating yourself? are you mentally ret*d or something?"

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30 Jun 2015, 8:35 pm

I get this a lot.
"Why are you so quiet?"
"Maybe people would like you more if you talked more."
"You're weird."

It gets annoying after a while, but I guess we just need to hang around the few people who don't say these things.


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30 Jun 2015, 10:15 pm


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30 Jun 2015, 10:46 pm

Get with it!
I think that is the defining characteristic of NTs.

"it" being "what the rest of us are doing/thinking/assuming/adopting/..."

You don't often hear them say "Get with it!" to each other, except in jest. They don't have to because they're hard-wired to be sensitive to body language, the length of conversational lulls, tone of voice, all kinds of stuff. And they feel not-joining-in is an act of aggression, sort of . Or of a value judgement. They don't realize you aren't wired that way and that you aren't trying to communicate anything to them, that it's not about them.

A lot of good information gets transmitted from NT to NT, and that networking is valuable and somewhat efficient. But it also processes / produces a lot of banality - a side-effect? So we get conformity, fashion, fads, ... sigh ... I'm just a cat in a dog world.