-JR wrote:
It's not as simple as avoiding negative feelings, Irulan.
I'm talking about things taking place on the level of subconsciousness while on this very deepest, the most subtle level, I guess everything boils down to the simplest explanations. The simplest explanations are a fascinating mixture made of several more complicated ones interacting with each other and in the end the final explanation is showing itself from the whole chaos
-JR wrote:
Given the choice, without the negative reprecussions I'd do many things differently, but not this. I do tons of sh1t to "impress" people, or to "show" something that I'm not, and really hate it, but this is not one of those things. This is different. Maybe I'm too dense to figure it out, don't really care either way, but this isn't explained by the cold logic you have in your head. I'll put it this way, I'll *possibly* put my life on the line for about 5 people, but only my brother would I do it willingly, without thought. Everyone else gets a second thought. I don't know, maybe you got a different/better explanation, for it. I don't have any, and really cannot relate your current one to the way I think/feel.
I also encounter
SERIOUS problems while taking attempts to figure out your way of analyzing things
Not a very pleasant sensation - to know I don't understand something -but on the other hand this lack of pleasant sensations mixes with satisfaction that I came across a logical challenge
Maybe I'm simply more "robotic" than majority of people here, it isn't the first time I noticed this.
I love this, the weird mishmosh of perspectives we have here!! ! The different kinds of logic. This is so interesting.