am get nastiness off people a lot for being 'annoying' in some way,online/WP, off own family and off [LD/ss] support staff.
online,it's usually about the way am speak-it's strange because am have had more understanding and tolerance about this on a major cat forum than WP [no one has abused am yet about it there],one time am had memorized how to do it the way other users do,for a while,but at the loss of own health-keeping intolerant users from e-tantrumming isnt worth the extreme overload and confusion am suffered from using their words.
offline,am get this off a lot by LD/council support staff at home.
of the ones who hate am,they seem to have a go at am about anything.
one of them/leanne used to be very nice with am,but now she hates am and has said it,and she is really bad,though sometimes she will use nice words,and am dont know what is going on [bad--good?].......then am realised there were other staff around when she played tolerant.
the NAS support staff asked leanne if she can cope with am when they've gone,and leanne said am keep her very busy all the time,but she likes the challenge....,that does not sound right because whenever the other staff leave she disappears to another resident because she can chat with them and she always says how nice she is,she has told am that all the staff hate am and fight over who has to work with am....dont know what have done to deserve that.
The NAS staff say they all like am,don't find am annoying.
it does not sound fair at all that people judge nastily on others just because they have different intelligence to them.
it shouldnt make any difference,its just as much part of a creature as the skin or heart is-cant really get by without any of them.
they should know its good that there are people with higher intelligence out there,those with high intelligence
do a lot of the high intelligence needed things needed in the world.
am do not understand how someone having high intelligence could be seen as thinking worse of someone else, maybe they are trying to see things they want to see.
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
>>>help to keep bullying off our community,report it!