How did you "play" as a child? Did you play like t

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29 Aug 2008, 3:57 pm

On with the play topic

My "play" with others was parallel and was only tolerated if an extra body was needed. I did my own thing, as I still do. Other kids did not trust me, and I thought the same! 8)

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29 Aug 2008, 4:08 pm

I played mostly by myself, but I didn't think anything of it or notice in any way that I was acting differently than others. I was just doing what I wanted to do.


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29 Aug 2008, 4:21 pm

I played with matter how I say it, it sounds so sadly funny.

Sadly this is one of the few things I remember doing. I know I did do other things, but the one that's still really fresh in my mind is playing with crayons. I'd organize them by color (reds with the red class, blacks whites and browns in another, etc) and then they'd all go to school. It was a Crayola High School, though I didn't have a name for it at the time. There was the popular crowd (red group, being red was cool!) and the outcasts which was the black, brown and white crayons. I remember at one point there was a forbidden relationship between Sky Blue and White...this just isn't something you forget.

I also read, constantly. Reading was fun. Reading was my playtime...

I know I tried to play with the other kids, hell I still do, but it just didn't work out. At the time I wasn't really registering that I was different from everyone so I'd frolic about being my usual dazed self and wouldn't even notice that other people wanted to beat me up or something. :roll:


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29 Aug 2008, 6:32 pm

Dragonfly_Dreams wrote:
I'm looking back at my interactions as a child and I know most of the time I preferred my own company. I spent a lot of time outside in the woods and playing in the grass. I lived on a farm and I spent hours singing to the animals. They were my friends. When I was sad or upset, I sat with them.

"Playing" for me was a whole lot of setting up and not much playing.

Just the same with me. Right down to the stuffed-animal hospital thing, with the making of cardboard beds and little paper charts etc. This game did have a sort of plot, though. I would make the siren sound, bring in another plush toy, set it up in its hospital bed, give it bandages and things and have it eventually recover and be returned to the toybox.

My grandmother collected little glass and porcelain figurines, which I loved to arrange and rearrange. She had a box of half-inch tall fired-clay Chinese people, hundreds of them, and I loved these above all things. She'd get them out for me and I'd spend hours and hours setting them up into tableaux on her end-tables. This was quite plotless, though I generated an enormous amount of data in doing it -- I could tell you what each little person was supposed to be doing in the scene, and which other little figures were his family and friends.

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30 Aug 2008, 4:02 am

I guess I played to a certain extent with my little brother but it never was the role play kind of thing. I remember he had GI Joe, lone Ranger & Tonto & I had Barbies. I could never really get into it because "THEY" (the toys) could not move I wanted them to carry out the visions/ activities that were in my head. I preferred to Play Barbies in my head, were they could independently carry out the activities. I could sit for hours in a pile of Barbies but all the while I never actually played with the toy I just sat holding them.
I remember people asking what are you doing. I just told them I I am thinking about what Barbie is going to do.."

Eventually I learned that I didn't have to own the doll or items I could just "play" inside my own head... At that point, All toys turned into Lincoln Logs, Erector Sets, and my all time favorite Legos. You can never own enough Legos. I had buckets & buckets of legos. I could build entire city from Legos. I remember, The first time I got they idea that I wanted to build a city out of Legos. I got one bucket built a house , then another and another. i didn't want to take them apart I just wanted to build it, leave it, build and get a new set & keep going. After about six months of building & hundreds of sets my city was finished. (the city limits had reached the walls in my room) I left my city up for a few weeks & thought about/played about what the families & businesses were like.
One day I had had enough I took down the city and that was pretty much the end of Legos for me. Boy were my parents pissed...

I remember not wanting to play with other kids because they were unpredictable... If we were being dogs then if another kid "turned" into something else mid play. I got mad because "WE" were dogs you can't just randomly turn into a bird!! ! LOL

I could always draw, color (but I hated using crayons because once you colored with them the weren't perfect anymore. The points were gone & a broken crayon could send me over the edge...) Markers were better because even if you used them, & were careful they could always look the same on the outside.

I did like activity games like kick ball & dodge ball. The parameters of play were defined & no one would randomly turn into a football player mid game.


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30 Aug 2008, 4:13 am

I was a weirdo kid. Luckily I had lots of friends to choose from as I lived in the inner city of Chicago. Stray cats and ants were my favorite forms of entertainment and I didn't play with typical toys. Pretend was fun and still is.

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30 Aug 2008, 4:28 am

ablomov wrote:
There were periods say age 7, 10, 14 to 16 where i was completely isolated at school. At seven, it being my third school i stood against the wall and didn't move or speak, all break untiil the bell rang. I still have a dread of free time, intervals, breaks. Sometimes 'playtimes' were used to humiliate me and re-inforce the fact I was not a part of any community or social pecking order. Therefore forty years later i refuse to recognise any social group or belong to anything. I was isolated in every single grade thoughtout school my parents moved constantly. I went to 13 different schools, 3 in 5th grade. I was perpetually the "NEW KID" & because I was different I never was able to make friends. I to was humiliated, picked on, & terrorized.

I remember being tackle in 6th grade by three boys. the put a dog collar on me and dragged me around the school yard by the neck... it was horrible... Someone eventually stopped it. I would find dog bones & kibble in my desk. I cried all the time. Then i learned I could kick the crap out of those boys and there began my school year of fists ~ the funny thing is I remember the beginning of each of those fights & I remember when it was over. But everything in the actual fight was/ is a blank. Those boys ended up with black eyes, scratches, missing hair. I excised my anger, my revenge on their pitiful little bodies. I would beat them until someone pulled me off. I remember thinking, feeling proud that they could no longer hurt me. If they decided to pick on me... they were in for the ass whipping of their lives.

Playing or being at home was much different, I used books, my Dads workshop, even a keen gardener at seven. This led to electronics/radio, trying to construct steam engines, building radio gear, I was Meccano mad, gearboxes, cranes, steam drven vehicles, etc. Then it would be Sunday night agn with all that dread and the Monday was round again another week to be endured. The last two years at school I stopped speaking. I've been self employed a quarter century as I cannot work amongst others. Anyone else out there ditto?

I do not nor do I want to participate in group activities. Basically people can "kiss my arse". The only group activities I can participate in are those that require independent skill, like darts or pool. where there are definate rules. I don't actually have to interact with the humans...

I am on the verge of trying to become self employed... and then I will no longer have to interact with society...


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30 Aug 2008, 5:14 am

What age is "child"?

Under 5, I was aloof to people but my immediate family, and I played by myself then (in the usual way of lining things up, opening and closing the tray on my favourite truck; filling and emptying said tray with sand, watching Sci-Fi movies I liked); I cannot remember this time
Over that, I started to play with others passively if they approached me (at school for example), but I'd always be by myself if they didn't; I played team sports without problem (I don't have problems with motor skills). I got into computer games around here

I'd follow my father when he went fishing/into the forest; well, when he'd take me. I liked doing those things.


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30 Aug 2008, 9:57 am

I pretended, but I didn't pretend to be a doctor/ fairy princess/ firefighter/ other 'normal' thing.

Instead, I'd do things like lay on my stomach with some marbles, and arrange them so they would look like a human body cell like in one of my science books at the time. I'd make sure to make the cell with enough marbles to make it believable, with some left over to be a virus, and more left over to be anti-bodies.
The clear marbles, the ones with no stripe in the middle, were the outer membrane. The clear ones tinted green/blue were the outer coating around the nucleus. The ones that were a bright, solid color, were the nucleus 'cause those ones were special to me.
I had a white one, a red one, a yellow one, and a blue one like that.
There was a solid black one, too. But that one was evil and was one if the viruses. :lol:
Of course, I was never actually liked pretending that I was being anything.

My brother and I played together alot. He was on the spectrum, too. He was the opposite of me in some ways. I was the one that created, explained, and made up things. He arranged things so they were more 'real'. He mimicked, parodied, and technicalised.
So we made a 'show'. We called it a 'show' because it was formatted like a sitcom. The characters were our stuffed animals, and we made them all have distinct personalities, usually contrasting, because characters that got along were too much like the boring old kids shows that we mostly never watched. So we'd move the characters around the 'set', and get them into hilarious (to us) Situations. The set was this big, pink, barbie limousine. I said that maybe our main character owned a bar, like Moe on The Simpson. So we made the car into a 'tavern'. My brother drew taps, game systems, sponsors, nascar numbers, and other stuff on it with permanent marker.
Eventually, this 'show' became an entire world. There was a planet the characters lived on, they had several sports teams. (Made by my brother in his video games) And a wrestling federation (Which was a ring made out of an old pizza box with a logo in it which was just like the WWE logo, only with different letters.)

Please note that the Simpsons, Nascar,and wrestling were my brothers obsessions at the time, and all the stuff like making up worlds, making up systems of government, and stuffed animals were my thunder. XD

In short, my brother and I both played the autistic way, But since we were both autistic we weren't lonely playing that way. We just played together. :)

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30 Aug 2008, 2:51 pm

I just lined things up and span things round. When I was older (12) I wanted to play more 'schools' type games, however my younger brother didn't want to! He had grown out of it! I actually broke a washing machine because I span it round so much with my hand! I nearly broke the new one too by putting my Playmobils in there and spinning it round!

I have HFA, ADHD, OCD & Tourette syndrome. I love animals, especially my bunnies and hamster. I skate in a roller derby team (but I'll try not to bite ;) )


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30 Aug 2008, 3:23 pm

i loved pretenting since i got lot of animal costumes

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30 Aug 2008, 11:08 pm

cursed_brunette wrote:
Erector Sets

Is this an actual toy name??? 8O 8O 8O (well, if there's a vibrating Harry Potter broomstick out there...)

My sister is only 1 year younger than me, and I have a lot of female cousins my age, so I already had an entourage attached. Basically my sister had friends and I was there by association, and there we went to my grandma's place and we had our cousins and our cousin's friends and we were there by association. We played pretend games and "competitive games", but I've always been a bad loser except on table games (I've improved now, but that's only because I've learned to recognize things I care about and things I don't). We played "pretend games", but we basically pretended to be ourselves, only older and independent (and rich), not really birds or animals. We also made our own bracelets and jewelry. I used to get tired quickly, but I enjoyed reasonably playing with (those) other kids.

But I preferred to be alone, and I always prefered legos and collectible things. My play consisted in arranging and rearranging stuff and creating things or doing math operations. I organized stuff by color, then by size, then by shape, etc... and made patterns and stuff like that. People used to give me Barbies (or more like barbie-like dolls), but I hated them because I only wanted some kind of teddy bear to hug when I went to bed, but I couldn't have one because of health problems. Then my dad discovered these dolls that had no hair because they were like newlyborn babies, and since then I started having one at a time.