I'm fine with the actual flying part.
It's everything before, after and aside from that that's bothersome to me. Once I get past the lines, the crowds, security personnel who don't often try to make things convenient, quick and painless for the people using the transport, stupid delays caused by people not having enough people or supplies onsite to make repairs quickly and before people have to be inconvenienced by them (like having airport personnel realize the plane is broken AFTER they load everyone on, therefore making passengers sit there for four hours while they fix the problem), people crowding me in on either side, stewardesses poking me and asking me whether I want something when it's clear I want to sleep and a whole myriad of other annoyances associated with air travel, flying is the easy part.
And that's why I'm going to be using trains after my college years are over and I'm back in my home state. Say what you want about trains in America, but Amtrak treats their customers like people, not like cows or like criminals waiting to happen.