oblio wrote:
quite relevant, benign.
you may just well "be nigh on"
the fact i'd once "been iron"
if my blueprints you'd "been eyein' "
you woulda seen i am now "b-9".
(which is the model number of the "environmental analysis and control" robot in the series "lost in space")
oblio wrote:
yes, related to autos=self
i do not remember asking whether i was correct.
but thanks anyway.
oblio wrote:
but what i have never seen remarked yet, is that the word is not as much related to auto-as-in-automobile, autobiography &cccccc,
it is not a word but a prefix.
"auto mobile" is a correct application of the prefix.
"mobile" means "movable"
so "auto mobile" means "self movable". it hearkens from the days when people were astounded to see a carriage move without being drawn by a horse.
"auto bio graphy" is "self life depiction"
oblio wrote:
but was formed quite specifically analogous to the word autarchy:
a political or economical state of selfsufficiency
eg: the economy does not in any way rely on import (or export)
from that it follows that any point of interest is not located outside the autarchic system; from that it may be assumed that the interest (of fulfilling needs) is pointed at within the system
"auto" comes from ancient greek.
the word they used was "autos" which was their word for "self"
that was about 1000 B.C.
interesting post and thanks for replying