bethannny wrote:
I really have to disagree with this. I know this a decade old thread but it's such a persistent myth even today. If you're really Autistic regardless of your gender or your race (that's another thing) you will be diagnosed. I was diagnosed at 4 because I had virtually no language skills and repetitive Autistic behavior. I am female. Remember, many people on this site have never been formally diagnosed and just self identify with the Autism label. Then they get angry when they go and pay to be diagnosed as an adult and are told ''you are not autistic''.
There are many people who did not think they were autistic before they were diagnosed at a later age so they couldn't possibly have sought out a diagnosis, and yet they still were diagnosed later. Also, it is not a myth. There have been
quite a few studies on how females are overlooked in high functioning autism diagnosis. Science does not propagate myths. Also, not all autism involves language delay and obvious repetitive behaviors. A lot of people with HFA did not have these things but still are autistic.
"Don't mind me. I come from another planet. I see horizons where you see borders." - Frida Kahlo