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29 Sep 2008, 8:22 am

I don't have trouble with stairs. I suppose this is good as both the house I grew up in and the house I live in now have lots of stairs. Most houses here do, it's just how they're built.

I don't think I could go up stairs on all fours if I tried - but then, that makes me imagine how unnatural it must feel for people whose instinct is to do that to do it on their feet instead!

I generally don't mind elevators either. I try not to take them as I figure I need all the exercise I can get, but I do sometimes, especially if I would have to climb 10+ flights. That said, I am definitely not fond of really packed elevators because of the close proximity to many people; but I can deal with it. When I was younger I used to worry the doors would close on me; now I don't think about it much. (Modern elevator doors are supposed to stop closing if something is obstructing them, of course. I always knew that, but used to worry about a malfunction.)

Then there are escalators, which I used to hate when I was younger. Being rather uncoordinated (though apparently much less so than many other people with AS) it took a lot of practice for me to be good at getting on and off them, and it is still something that requires concentration for me. (I am not sure if most people have to really concentrate on this or not; perhaps everyone does.) Nevertheless, I can now manage them well enough, and the same goes for moving walkways (e.g. at airports).


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29 Sep 2008, 10:55 am

I have no problem using the stairs although i much prefered escalators.


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29 Sep 2008, 12:06 pm

everytime i go upstairs i school i always get nervous that im goin to trip (which iroically causes the trips) going downstairs i take it as slow as possible without it being noticable...always hold onto the bannister though


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29 Sep 2008, 12:45 pm

I run up the long escalator and occasionally stairs in my underground station. The only reason why I don't like the stairs is because they are staggered landings and it isn't a steep enough inclination, which disrupts my rhythm. Otherwise I would happily run up them every time, given that it has to be clear for me to run up the escalator and nobody takes the stairs.

The best technique is to lean forward knees bent fairly low to the ground and focus on a spot ahead of you build up a steady stride (flat footed) and use your arms for balance. You can't touch every step. It is funny when I see people trying to go fast up steps, it doesn't work if you need to touch every one. In order to be fast you have to skip steps otherwise you are not in full stride. I would start at two.

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29 Sep 2008, 2:07 pm

Stairs are easier going up than coming down them. Elevators (lifts) are scarily enclosed. Escalators - I fall off them or can't work out how to get on them. It's something to do with the stripey pattern on them, I read once. It interferes with our ability to judge distance and movement.

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29 Sep 2008, 3:04 pm

Unless I have to or if the elevator has windows, I always I take the stairs. I hate closed elevators.


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12 May 2009, 8:43 pm

Julia_the_Great wrote:
I don't like elevators, I'm always scared that the cable is going to break. The only issue I have with stairs is that I really don't like going onto the last step with my left foot, it makes me uncomfortable.

Even if the cable did break (which is very unlikely), the elevator car will not plummet to the ground. It has a restraint device that makes such impossible.


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12 May 2009, 10:26 pm

I like stairs. Escalators are also fun because I walk up them like stairs, which gets me there extra fast! I'm never content to just stand on an escalator.


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13 May 2009, 5:44 am

LostInSpace wrote:
Aurore wrote:
zeichner wrote:
IdahoRose wrote:
...I run up the stairs in our house on all fours, like a dog...

I used to do that, too! I stopped sometime in adolescence - but it just always seemed the natural thing to do.

I do it to this day. It does feel more natural. Maybe I just have horrible balance...

I also have always done this, and I think my brother did it as a kid. Both of us have perfectly fine balance, though.

I used to run up the stairs on all fours too, until I got too tall to comfortably do it. :lol:

I used to be terrified of escalators when I was little; I was absolutely sure that if I wasn't careful I would get sucked through the gap at the end and so used to leap off it like a complete idiot to avoid such an event.


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13 May 2009, 6:23 am

I used to be terrified of escalators when I was little; I was absolutely sure that if I wasn't careful I would get sucked through the gap at the end and so used to leap off it like a complete idiot to avoid such an event.

Wow, I had forgotten about that. Yes, I used to be terrified that I would forget to take a step at the end of an escalator and all sorts of bad things would happen. I got over that, though.