Spooky dreams where I can predict the future

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18 Apr 2007, 9:40 am

Yeap..I have had quite a few of these..

I used to dream about a guy I was (ahem) a wee tad obsessed with like clockwork shortly before he would come into town...when I had no way of otherwise knowing.

When my boyfriend's ex girlfriend burned all my sock monkeys years ago..I had a dream about her and there was lightning or fire around her....a few days before it happened...


I have lots of silly and strange dreams but most of them are not preminatory to my knowledge..I have had just a few that were


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18 Apr 2007, 10:19 am

A person I trust explicitly has had experiences [that are similar to those posted] that cannot be explained by coincidence, and chance isn’t the simplest explanation. Deductive, inductive reasoning – whatever would require evidence that wouldn’t have existed at said time.

I don't see how this is related to autism though, as a lot of people who aren't on the 'trum have documented similar subjective experiences too (being that she isn't autistic either). :?

I'm autistic, and my dreams are boring, if they're even there to begin with....


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18 Apr 2007, 11:01 am

Someone wrote about picking up radio/tv signals through fillings?
I read in National Geographich once that some guy thats was testing a machine for mesuiring(?)
VERY small magnetic fields or electric fields in the air. The machine was turned on and it was showing numbers from 1-3 all the time, so they left it on and went home. When they got back the next morning they checked the data-logs and they found that the machine for no reason at all went up to number 11 by 02:40, at 02:40 a group of terrorists from czhecoslovakia (?) had taken hostages at a theatre in Moscow.
The scientists thought it was a co-incidence so they left the machine on the next night to see if something happened the next night. It didnt, but one of the scientists belived that it wasnt a coincidence and brought the machine home, having it On every night and day ever since and on the 9/11 the machine showed the number 150,000. So he thinks that the machine mesuires people's feelings. Maybe people's feelings creates small magnetic pulses in the air? Afterall, our brain works by sending electric impulses through our nerves, and everything that got electricity in it creates a small magnetic field around itself (thats why you cant use a compass near a highvoltage cable).

So maybe thoughts can be picked up by machines? And that might be reversable, that electric signals can affect our thoughts?


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18 Apr 2007, 4:38 pm

For hundreds of years it has been called, "The Sight", it comes in different ways, some know what happens far away, some the future.

The Universe got "Ways".


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18 Apr 2007, 9:09 pm

I dreamed one night that I saw my cat, Samantha, sitting with another cat of her exact same breed, a Lynx point Siamese. Six months later, we adopted a mother cat and her three kittens. One, Prince, is a Lynx point Siamese.


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19 Apr 2007, 4:46 pm

This is an excerpt from a dream diary I used to keep, and I recorded this dream in 1998:

I dreamt a vision about a large and destructive meteorite impact in the Indian Ocean off Australia during the year 2004; close to one of those islands between it and Asia.

The event did come but not in the form of a meteorite. The tsunami of Dec 26 that year was one of the more powerful quakes in recorded history. The casualties and damage were extreme and the force of that quake left Earth wobbling on its axis for some time. Its epicentre was just off one of those islands (Sumatra) although in the dream I couldn't identify which island.

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20 Apr 2007, 11:01 am

Papillon wrote:
This is an excerpt from a dream diary I used to keep, and I recorded this dream in 1998:

I dreamt a vision about a large and destructive meteorite impact in the Indian Ocean off Australia during the year 2004; close to one of those islands between it and Asia.

The event did come but not in the form of a meteorite. The tsunami of Dec 26 that year was one of the more powerful quakes in recorded history. The casualties and damage were extreme and the force of that quake left Earth wobbling on its axis for some time. Its epicentre was just off one of those islands (Sumatra) although in the dream I couldn't identify which island.

I visited New York City in 1998 and as I stood at the top of the Empire State Building, I looked at the World Trade Center and I was suddenly struck by an image of both towers crumbling, like when they implode old buildings. I wondered how on earth buildings of that size would ever come down if they became dangerous or unstable. The destruction it would cause to the surrounding area would be unimaginable.

Three and a half years later, it happened.


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20 Apr 2007, 2:04 pm

I am very skeptical about all this kind of things, anyway, in 1993, I dreamt with an uncommon group of people having interesting "superpowers" and some disabilitys too. This "dream" was extraordinarily important to me that time, even more than this. When I noticed aspie people I knew imediately they were the guys I had deamt with, although the dream was in fact more alegoric than reallity.

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26 Aug 2010, 2:47 pm

After being medically diagnosed with ADD over ten years ago, several months ago I self-diagnosed my Aspergers. Among other Aspie traits, it also explains my lifelong sensory sensitivities and allergies.

But coming across this post, I find it amazing there are others like me with "dreams that happen." The earliest I can remember having "dreams that happen" I was about 6. Throughout my life they've occurred about two or three times a year. In past few years, it's not been as frequent, but it still happens. The following are highlights:

When I was 7 years old, my family moved into an apartment located on the floor above my dad's workplace. On entering, I already knew how rooms were situated. My dad worked in this building since I was born but I'd never seen this apartment before. Visiting him at work, my mom always allowed me and my older brother to play on the staircase leading up to the apartments, but we could never go to next floor. Because "people upstairs would get mad." When about 6, I dreamed my teenage sister, older brother, and I were in one of the upstairs apartments. I kept telling them we had to leave: the "old lady who lives here will be back and get mad at us for being in her apartment." The apartment layout was identical to what I saw later at age 7.

When 15, for a few months my parents, sister, and I were living in a travel trailer, parked in my aunt's yard. As this was an old trailer, no toilet, we used bathroom in my aunt's house. The bathroom adjoined two bedrooms, thus one could enter via yellow door (through my aunt and uncle's bedroom) or pink door (through their empty guest room). Awaking one morning, I laughingly told my sister of weirdest dream I'd just had. That my aunt and her husband had taken yellow door off hinges and set it in their bedroom to spite us so we couldn't use bathroom. We both laughed over that dream, then I went inside to use restroom. The yellow door was off its hinges!! My aunt said I could still use the restroom--though they were still in the bedroom, full view. I didn't, of course. I went back to tell my sister what happened. She couldn't believe it! 8O (Fortunately, library down street was open, to use its facilities.) My parents found they had done it for spite, to get us to leave.

Three years later, I dreamed my favorite singer Karen Carpenter died. The cause was "heart ailment." The dream was quite detailed. I couldn't shake the sadness all day. Two years later, on 4 February 1983, I was sitting at the table and suddenly had same sad feeling. The phone rang: it was my sister. She had my mom to get me on the phone. My sister said, "I have some sad news..." I interrupted her and said, "Karen Carpenter died." She asked if I'd already heard. I told her I hadn't heard the news yet. I just knew.

This last one really hasn't happened. I don't know if it will. But it's weird, nonetheless. In my 20s, I worked for this company where I had a male coworker whom I platonically admired. He was engaged and later married before he stopped working at this company. Last I knew of him, he and bride were living in a town 100 miles away. A few years later, I had this dream that this guy and I were married. When I woke up, I was embarrassed for even dreaming of being married to someone I knew was already married. :oops: A few more years went by. I moved to a town 100 miles the other direction. Later, by chance, I happened to come across this guy. We live in the same town. Not only that, about the time I'd had that dream, his wife divorced him. He moved to this town the same year I did and he's not remarried. Despite finding many common interests, he's never shown more than platonic interest in regards to me. We don't contact that often, so it doesn't appear this is one of those "happening dreams." But coincidence is odd, isn't it?

Author Lucy Maud Montgomery was apparently familiar with this dream phenomena, too. Though known mainly for her Anne of Green Gables series, she also did a three book series on Emily. Emily has "second sight," which is quite akin to what we aspies have. Maybe Emily was an aspie?? I'll have to re-read those books and look for more of Emily's aspie traits. :wink:


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26 Aug 2010, 4:17 pm

not really sure if i've had them or not.
i usually didn't remember my dreams much.
though there have been some things that've happened before that gave me a strong sense of deja vu but that i couldn't really place as happening before, but at times seemed to resonate with some of my dream fragment memories.

lately though, my dreams have been less prophetic and more like works of interesting fiction.

i've never have dreams where i'm violent.
but a little while ago, i had 3 nights in a row of them, that were eerily similar.
Like was fighting off strange monsters of some kind or other.
reminded me of the movie Underworld :? .

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26 Aug 2010, 4:49 pm

YES! Months before my neice was mollested,I had a dream about her getting mollested and when we heard what happened, it was EXTACTALY like my dream. The details were the same.

I'm not weird, you're just too normal.


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26 Aug 2010, 5:16 pm

Sparkle1984 wrote:
I wonder how many other people with AS have had this? Sometimes I have dreams about things (usually small, uninteresting things) and then I find that the next day, they happen in real life.

Before you declare yourself a Seer, count how many times your predictions have NOT come about. If you make enough predictions some of them will come true purely on a chance basis. A busted clock tells the right time twice a day.


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26 Aug 2010, 5:36 pm

Dreams of the future that seem to come true are actually something akin to De'ja'vu. You're not actually experiencing the same event again, what's occurring is that there is feedback in the brain when certain memories are triggered, such as the memory of the dream state which allow a link to be established in the previous experience that seems to come before the actual event currently being experienced. There is no precognition occurring it's simply a wiring of the brain that allows us to feel things have occurred outside of perceived time. Perception of time and memory are incredibly complex in the human brain, not to mention conscious awareness of these phenomena. Experiences with ghosts and just about every 'supernatural' event you'll ever see recorded are simply US misunderstanding what is actually going on in our own brains.

What we think occurs in the real world is almost never what has actually occurred, it's our own unique branding on a very small subset of reality.

I've previously had nearly overwhelming episodes of De'ja'vu until I found out what was occurring in my own mind at the time as opposed to my perception of reality at that moment. Conscious realization when these events occur is required for self exploration and knowledge.

Based on what little I know of those whom have Aspergers or those that are otherwise Aspie oriented these kinds of miswirings are common, it's part of the condition just experienced very differently on a case by case basis.


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26 Aug 2010, 6:03 pm

In the November of 2005, I had a dream that I was in London, and I couldn't find any Routemasters to ride on. A month later on December 10th, I've found out that those buses were taken off their last route, the day before on the 9th. I was scarred for life.

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26 Aug 2010, 6:20 pm

Cockney, you were scared of a bogeyman of your own creation.


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26 Aug 2010, 7:14 pm

Now, mind you, I don't believe in woo-woo of ANY kind, but this was WEIRD.

When I was about 15 years old, I had a dream about a friend of the family falling down the stairs and dying of a head injury (she was in her 60s and lived a few doors away). 2 or 3 days later, no one had seen her for a couple days and my dad and another neighbor picked the lock on her door when she didn't answer the door and they found her dead at the bottom of her stairs. The autopsy showed she died from carbon monoxide poisoning, not from a head injury, but she was found exactly where she was found in my dream and she died the night I had the dream. I was creeped out for a few years after that, but I decided it had to be coincidence.


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