Civet wrote:
I know many people get songs stuck in their heads, but does anyone here get words stuck in their heads?
It happens quite often that words will just randomly surface in my mind, with no relation to whatever I am doing or thinking about at the time, and will continue to repeat and surface over and over again. The word of the day is "variegated." I think I read it in my psychology book, because I can picture the area of the page I read it on, but I know it's part of a larger phrase which I can't remember, and did not know the definition of the word until I looked it up in the dictionary.
I mentioned this before in another thread, and someone said this may be a form of echolalia or perservation. Similar things happen to me with conversations, for example, after I speak to someone, sometimes the last things that were said will loop over and over in my head. So if someone said "Oh, that's a good idea, well, I'll see you later, bye" that phrase will keep replaying in my mind, without my concious awareness. When I do become aware of it, I can usually stop it by thinking about other things.
So does this happen to others here? And is it a form of echolalia or perservation?
I remember being in elementary school and getting stuck on the word "Grommet" because it sounded so cool. Drove everyone in my family out of the room, repeating it over and over.
Now it's music, not words that does that. Right now I have the chorus of Rammstein's "Sonne" echoing in my head. And have had for three days. I could use a different song.