Metalwolf wrote:
Don't have kids, don't like them, but strangely finding myself really really desiring to have one. Not in a "Oh they're so cute, I would like one," but more like "I have to have one even though I mostly ignore them and they annoy me, but I will tear myself apart physically if I can't give into this urge" kind of thing.
it is bizarre isn't it?
i'm engaged. when i get married to my NT fiance, we're not going to have kids for a long time (or until i adjust to the million and one new situations!). my fiance comes from a family with four kids (i think he wants 4 kids), all NT. i came from a family of two kids, my younger sister i think has mild AS traits; father mild AS traits, and i have been diagnosed with AS, ADHD (i think mild) and anxiety disorder.
concerning the autism vs aspergers discussion that is sneaking into this thread,
this long article (which was stolen from some other thread on may prove interesting reading.
i have always been vastly conflicted in my opinions about having kids. on the one hand i used to write letters to my (non-existent) children because i felt so strongly about my parents, and that i really wanted to be a better mother than my mother was to me, but on the other hand, kids outside of teenagehood terrify me and i have no idea how to interact with them.
my fiance definitely wants kids. so i guess that's what we'll end up doing lol. i'm that conflicted about my own feelings that i'd rather cling to someone else's decision. years and YEARS down the track.
- Liresse