DarthMaxeuis wrote:
And how do you manage it ? Lot of people with AS are over-sensitive or non-sensitive to temperature, noise, etc. said my doctor.
I'm over-sensitive to noise, especially when lot of people are speaking at once. I'm else and non-sensitive to cold, but it's no big deal.
How do you manage not getting mad in situations of big noise ? I want some helpful advice, it could help me.
Thank you for giving a nice answer, if you have an idea.
well it wut i do is i have eer plugs or wen i out in pub, i waer my sony hedfones thay cnsel out most noyse, onley hi pitched and midrange,hi frekwencys boter me but i love the bass i love the way it feels in me i have to put me hand on speaker to feel the bass and the wall but i have to be caerfull, if i have to muck i will blow out my light in my room.and wen i get to hot i get very sik i thow up nose bleeds but wen i get cold i hurt realley bad my joynts swell up like ballooons cant move to muck i have severe arthuritus sum days i cant walk, even wen i get cold i hedakes wut upwit tat!! ! i not no tat sares me i see a newrologist for hedakes,seizures sooooooo i not no.autismrocks