Callista wrote:
neshamaruach wrote:
I would put the following ad in the classified section of my local paper:
Wanted. Friend at any cost. Must accept payment plan of no money down and no payments for a full year. Unswerving loyalty guaranteed. The only person trusting enough to make that kind of deal would be *another Aspie* (yay!) so it would work out well for both of us. No money would need change hands at all.

Nah, you might get somebody with a really dependent personality... which could be an Aspie too, but y'know.
Eek. True. Of course, the nature of the responses would help me weed out the unacceptable candidates. Possibilities:
Potential Friend: Hi, I saw your ad. Can we talk on the phone?
My response: Forget it.
Potential Friend: Hi, I saw your ad. I've been in therapy for 10 years and if I work hard enough, I can do anything!
My response: Not an Aspie (or an Aspie in denial, but still).
Potential Friend: Hi, I saw your ad. Can I come over right now?
My response: Help! What if the newspaper gives her my address?
Potential Friend: Hi, I saw your ad. Could we correspond by email for awhile before we meet?
My response: Very promising.
Potential Friend, Hi, I saw your ad. I hope you don't think this is coming out of left field or anything, and I certainly don't mean to pry, but I just have to ask...Are you an Aspie?
My response: We have a match!