Persephone wrote:
I voted for the sticky and I'm glad it's here.
I believe I definitely have NLD, and based on what I've learned about Asperger's, and what I've learned here on WP, it's likely I have AS too. But I've not been formally diagnosed, so I can't be sure.
When I was a teenager, I was diagnosed with a severe "organizational learning disability," with shadings of inattentive ADD (according to the neurologists & psychologists). This was before NLD & AS were even considered as diagnoses. Even the "hint" of ADD was just sort of whispered, as it was not yet common for girls to be considered ADD.
Still, the very astute neurologist recommended that I be switched from the fast-track school (where I was drowning) to an alternative high school that catered to kids with all kinds of learning issues.
My parents, while loving, just couldn't believe that their highly & precociously verbal daughter with the (supposedly) high IQ score (VIQ far higher than PIQ btw) needed such arrangements, and on I went in the advanced classes, drowning and feeling like a failure. My teachers couldn't believe it was anything but laziness and apathy, since I was supposedly "such a smart girl" "who writes better than the majority of the class" blah blah blah. I died every day trying to meet everyone's expectations. Finally they decided that I was not an intellectual (hah!), but a creative type (yeah, ok, but not fully true).
Anyone have similar experiences like this?
I was just called lazy, troublesome and untidy. The only learning disability recognised in my school days was dyslexia.
My parents still dont think there is anything unusual about me though it is glaringly obvious to anyone outside my immediate family.
"Caravan is the name of my history, and my life an extraordinary adventure."
~ Amin Maalouf
Taking a break.