There are a few things that I try to keep in mind when looking at resources like this:
1) This quiz measures presentation of traits, but not their underlying cause. For example, you might not like people walking behind you because of a social anxiety disorder, rather than because of an autism spectrum disorder.
2) The quiz does not account for learned skills and coping mechanisms. For example, if you have learned bookmarking skills to allow you to return to a task after an interruption, you might have less problem with this issue than you did when you were younger. You aren't any less an Aspie just because you have learned behaviours to compensate for your deficits.
At the end of the day, this is a valuable tool--I use it to show people how my thinking might differ from theirs in a demonstrable fashion. But I also caution people who score high on the Aspie side that it does not automatically follow that they are Aspies--merely that they present traits that might have any number of explanations.
I always thought that if you had a reasonably high level of all the Aspie traits then you likely had it. But while that works for most, especially those like myself, who haven't really have enough time to learn too many coping skills it may not work so well for someone who has spent much of their life trying to hide the traits.
Still, overall it's quite a good indicator.