so i'm leaving wp for a while...
If they still continue after such, it's most likely personal and emotional to them, rather than a rational questioning of someone's disorder (I'm still trying to figure out what's so special about autism that makes people question it so much, especially via posts online; no one lifts an eyelid if someone says they have Schizophrenia, but autism, no, no one but so and so can have that!).
It's unlikely for someone with Kanner's to not gain the ability to read and write (talking too), and if people say otherwise, they're either speaking of children or the minority of adults who aren't verbal (even many of those who aren't verbal can read/write).
My psychiatrist sees adults with Kanner's (he specialises in adults with mental disorders), and they all can talk adequately (my mother questioned him about the autism diagnosis, which included asking about the level of speech an adult with autism can have).
Yes, I can believe that it's irrational for the most part. I suppose some of it has to do with trying to seperate themselves and their child from those 'considered' to be part of the neurodiversity movement (when talking to them I don't tend to get political and thus am 'accepted', but those who are pro-neurodiversity are usually met with skepticism). It's more complicated than that, I know but I haven't had sufficent contact with such individuals to justify forming more of an opinion regarding their motives. The people that I know who have kanners are now able to talk (I suppose that technically includes myself) quite or very well.
I personally believe that autism is very confusing for those parents- even more so than it may be for some of us and even more so than mental illness, for a number of reasons. I think that for them it must be like stumbling around in a dark room regarding the causes and the nature of ASDs. Perhaps they merely want to keep things as simple as they possibly can. *shrugs* I haven't given too much thought.
I think we need to work out a way of caring for and looking after Age1600. I hope that she returns here as she is an important, respectable and respected citizen of the "wrong planet".
I have paid Autism Speaks a visit and I have been able to find an exchange between Age and Pegasus. I do not think that Age is being over sensitive, Pegasus wrote
"It distresses me to see anti-treatment anti-cure messages from teen or adult "autistics" and "auties" when, after a little digging, I find that they have been diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, Borderline Personality Disorder, Manic Depression, schizophrenia, paranoid schizophrenia.... or they're self-diagnosed. Parents should be aware of that."
Also Pegasus wrote
"I don't think any members here should be precious about their diagnosis. If parents are seeking advice from adults with autism, surely they would want to make sure that the person they are consulting actually has autism and hasn't got their information out of books, from ND blogs, or from forums like WP and Aspies for Freedom?"
Pegasus appears to be a parent, I assume that Pegasus has a child on the spectrum. It seems as if Pegasus does not like the Wrong Planet. My own view is that nobody is going to force Pegasus to come here and interact with us.
Health is a state of physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity

Diagnosed under the DSM5 rules with autism spectrum disorder, under DSM4 psychologist said would have been AS (299.80) but I suspect that I am somewhere between 299.80 and 299.00 (Autism) under DSM4.
I have paid Autism Speaks a visit and I have been able to find an exchange between Age and Pegasus. I do not think that Age is being over sensitive, Pegasus wrote
"It distresses me to see anti-treatment anti-cure messages from teen or adult "autistics" and "auties" when, after a little digging, I find that they have been diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, Borderline Personality Disorder, Manic Depression, schizophrenia, paranoid schizophrenia.... or they're self-diagnosed. Parents should be aware of that."
Also Pegasus wrote
"I don't think any members here should be precious about their diagnosis. If parents are seeking advice from adults with autism, surely they would want to make sure that the person they are consulting actually has autism and hasn't got their information out of books, from ND blogs, or from forums like WP and Aspies for Freedom?"
Pegasus appears to be a parent, I assume that Pegasus has a child on the spectrum. It seems as if Pegasus does not like the Wrong Planet. My own view is that nobody is going to force Pegasus to come here and interact with us.
Pegasus definitely sounds like he/she has some, um, stress and personal issues. That's the difficulty with going over to Autism Speaks--it's a great idea to do it, since it helps to dispel some myths, but it's bound to be stressful and upsetting as well.
Age, it makes sense that you should take a breather, just the same as if you'd been in an overcrowded store and got into an argument with someone clueless. Hope we'll see you again when you've gotten a good rest.
Pegasus sounds like they do not know what they are talking about. I have met 2 autistic adults and they could both talk. I have also met aspie adults who didnt like to talk but write long and informative emails.
I dont see why autistic people and aspies shouldnt have pride. We are ourselves after all. Dont let someones odd views get to you.
"Caravan is the name of my history, and my life an extraordinary adventure."
~ Amin Maalouf
Taking a break.
I dont see why autistic people and aspies shouldnt have pride. We are ourselves after all. Dont let someones odd views get to you.
I just read that thread and Pegasus sounds like a total troll...
not a bug - a feature.
Pegases sounds like an idiot. Not a troll, an idiot.
I guess we all have to hate ourselves and be miserable because of our autism according to her.
What about other people with other disabilties who don't want a cure to it? I wonder what she thinks of them?
EDIT: I looked at the dates on the posts and they were from a year ago. Age is upset what happened a year ago and then decided to leave this site for a bit just now?
Last edited by Spokane_Girl on 23 Dec 2008, 5:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Joined: 21 Aug 2008
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OK, they said they were idiots, as they can't see how illogical they are, and have nothing better to do than to "stress out"
a "stimming chica". they ALSO feel that you are WAY too good to be autistic.
Frankly, I would Laugh at such claims. You should be BLUSHING that they consider you SO good that they feel such a need to tear you down! How did you meet alex, or was it the other owner? Anyway, Buena Suerte, Feliz Navidad, Y un prospero nuevo ano!
BTW I like your posts ALSO, you have a GERAT attitude. I wish I had one so great.

Joined: 31 Oct 2005
Age: 41
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good find [am never noticed Age had mentioned A.S. but guessed it].
that forum was disgusting,full of 'autism police',anyone classic autistic and not called Droopy was automatically assumed fake,because are not supposed to be able to use a computer,a forum or communicate in any alternative form [excluding the one member of course].
are supposed to just sit there in a puddle of pee hardly existing,dare any autie show basic ability,it's denial by people who barely seem to know their a***e from their head,let alone have experience in each users history and have the doctors certificates to diagnose and undiagnose.
what adult would actually choose to denie progress in someone and see that as faking,rather than celebrate it?
why do they only see auties as their little children,and dont realise that every autie-no matter how affected,will improve and progress to some amount?
why do they assume auties automatically have to be pro cure,and any who celebrate neurodiversity are fakes,there are many auties who dont want to ever see a cure for different reasons,and they should have their view respected [am say that as a pro choice/cure autie].
why do they constantly show their hate towards wrong planet and assume the place is just a breeding ground for hf anti cure extremists,'who dont know what autism is'? ,and assume everyone here goes to AS to troll or preach? they ignore the fact that there are users who experience autism differently here- lfa/severe,hf-lf mod aut,and pddnos,and only a few have gone to troll/preach to them-most of the community told them off for it.
and--why do they obsessively attack alex,amanda and age because they dont fit their beliefs of as or autism,when what they should be doing is concentrating on their own kids and helping them improve their quality of life as much as possible.
how can people on the spectrum be called obsessive when people like them are such great examples of it.
Is Pegasus the same member on there who said are not autie because the photos of self dont look it?
are better off staying away from that forum, as are treated like crap on there,and they dont deserve the helpful posts,though not all the members are like that,some very nice parents on there who get mixed up in it all.
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
>>>help to keep bullying off our community,report it!
Sadly that's completely true KingdomOfRats.
And that attitude is what disturbs me again and again. It's 'almost' as if they would rather prove a point than see their child progress, or attempt to take steps to increase the potential of progression. It's strange and I cannot believe that truly to be the case for the majority but it certainly seems that way somtimes. I don't know, perhaps to some of them progress is an ideal of a perfect child rather than an individual's ability to overcome or even in some cases benefit from an ASD, and so in the latter's case they'd rather not know about it?

There are many people in this world who refuse to be wrong. Through their ignorance they shall conquer what they deem as incorrect. It is hard to battle ignorance without harming the individual personally to achieve victory. We still work with incorrect theories of the world, and continue to stunt our own growth because many people battle to keep what has been proven wrong.
If you do not match up to somebody's schema, than that somebody just might assume you're not part of the schema at all. It would be like this: that person comes across an apple. The apple is red. He knows red apples for 20 years of his life. Suddenly, a green apple appears. Even though it shares many traits with the red apple, it looks different, and tastes a bit different. Therefore, this person does not think it's an apple.
I had randomly messaged one day somebody I knew about, who didn't know me. I was obscure, and trying to be obnoxious on purpose. I even made a jab as Asperger's Syndrome with, "Maybe I have Asperger's Syndrome and don't know how to start a conversation." He then tried saying that is impossible, because somebody with Asperger's Syndrome, according to him, would not have messaged him in the first place due to wanting to avoid people and being social. See, this person would rather work with what he knows about something, and assume anything else is wrong. He wont adjust his schema, as he should. He'd rather think he's right. It would be pointless to tell him that I do, in fact, have Asperger's Syndrome to try and prove him wrong, because at that point he already had shown his disbelief simply because I messaged him.
These kinds of people are the kinds of people who cause a lot of problems in the world. Their reluctance to accept mistake, and their "obsessive" interest (with unusual focus) in wishing to remain ignorant is a powerful force! The only morally acceptable way to win the battle is simply: persistent education.
All in all, don't let those kinds of people get to you. If they tell you that you're wrong, do some research again, confirm that you're right, and ignore them. It is your opinion that you find for yourself that matters.