millie wrote:
i do not have secrets. Although recently i tried to have one. first time ever ever ever in my life i have had a major secret actually.
it doesn't suit me as it conflicts with my need to be transparent.
Secrets - well, if secrecy is a sign of hypocrisy, I'm guilty. But not when I think the other person has a need to know that exceeds my right to silence. Just that my thoughts are private unless I decide it's wise to divulge them. My real identity is a secret from everybody here, for example, because I don't think it would do any good to reveal it, and while the risk of harm to myself by revealing it is not great, it tips the balance. Is that hypocrisy? Because paradoxically I feel a lot more free to be straight when I know nobody can use it against me. I might get called a bunch of bad names one day but materially I'm untouchable because I'm anonymous. Even the name on my email account is a lie - I did that originally to keep the spammers ignorant in case the service provider sold my details.
Having said that, I have trouble sticking to my ideal and have harmed myself and others by blurting out something inappropriate. Something inside me hates concealment and it creates a tension in me. It's as if, deepdown, I crave an environment in which everybody loves me and will only love me more and help me more if I'm absolutely open and honest with them, and somehow that craving is at risk of becoming wishful thinking, so I have to be on my guard a lot of the time. To actively lie in order to protect a concealment is harder still - I'm perfectly capable of it but whenever I do it I feel very guilty (and paranoid about being discovered), so I try to avoid situations in which I feel forced to lie.