slowmutant wrote:
What is so disgusting about going to church?
don't entirely know why but can speculate. please try to understand that i mean no offense.
me and church are mutually toxic. whatever is going on in church is the opposite of where i need to be. artificiality is encouraged. i could loathe church for the same reason many church-goers loathe me...or they would if they knew me better. artificiality is not only encouraged, it is required as the acceptable and appropriate mode of behavior. many seem to enjoy this charade. i do not. i find it toxic. but hey, whatever floats your boat.
here's liberal paraphrase of a rather well-known statement attributed to Jesus:
there will be those among you who will say, 'Lord, Lord'....and I will say to them, 'Depart from me, I never knew you'. ...the implication here is that Jesus may well be disgusted by hypocrisy and his so-called followers being satisfied by superficial nonsense. one has to be careful though, because some of those who appear hypocritical are doing the best they can while others may know better. it would take masterful discernment to tell the difference.
when people seem to love a good show and that is how they express their spirituality--it drives me crazy and makes my solar plexus burn. when people enjoy being spoon-fed, it makes me afraid to be around them because i don't trust people who refuse to think for themselves. and where the routine of some kind of empty [to me, not to them] practice is comforting to some, it makes me extremely sad and sickened.
i think of myself as a deeply spiritual person who loves jesus as well as other great spiritual masters. whatever disgust i feel in going to church is reciprocated towards me when i divulge my true beliefs. it is a mutual disgust.