Tower 7 collapsed because a big hunk of the south tower fell right into it. There was a massive gash on the south side of Tower 7 and it was teetering on the verge of collapse for hours. That’s main the reason the FDNY didn’t even attempt to fight the fire in Tower 7. Most of the video footage of the Tower 7 collapse was from the north so you couldn't see all the damage on the other side.
I am first witness to the following, and that the above story is pure BS:
WTC7 was not hit by anything. It collapsed immediately after a 300 baud modem noise was heard on intercoms, amplifiers, and instruments I was using at the time to measure electricity in the ground. News reports of that time mentioned electrocutions of dogs in NYC and cows outside of the city by Telluric Currents which I was part of a project to measure and attempt to use, such currents caused by grounded artificial electricity at 50 and 60 cycles. The 300 baud modem noise coincidental to WTC7's Demolition was about 2 million watts and 10,000-20,000 cycles, suspected to come from Navy submarine/groundwave missile command radio station NAA in Cutler, Maine, near where G Bush senior lives. WTC7 was quite far away from the twin towers and was not hit by anything.
It's first floor only and entirely collapsed first, about 7 hours after the other buildings did.
That this was going to happen was known, and warnings were shouted over megaphones,
although there was little or no fire coming from the building at 5pm.
I was close enough to receive the CD signal AND hear the noise of WTC7 collapsing, and have seen FDNY footage showing WTC7's collapse clearly beginning only on the ground floor.
I'm sure Bin Laden had no idea to make the WTC resemble scenes from 9-11-
2001 A SPACE ODYSSEY especially wherein they found THE MONOLITH on the Moon!
View of the twin tower reflected in the Millenium Hilton Which still stands today and was not damaged by their collapse: (Millenium Hotel was designed to look like the
My definition of CONSPIRACY THEORY:
The process of conspiring to set up so that the truth is excluded by Occam's Razor and Common Sense, for a very evil purpose, in a similar way to how Magicians create the Appearance of pulling Rabbits out of Hats, which, if believed to be true, should be utilized to produce rabbits in poor starving countries!
I know there are no reptilians.
I know there are no space alien UFO's.
I know that we are not being told everything about JFK.
I know ... a long list of true things like this.
The news can lie. Computers NOW can lie, remember HAL9000 from
But can a voltage meter or thermometer or amplifier lie?
Maybe, but who can know it's there and set it up to do so?
Last edited by ValMikeSmith on 18 Jan 2009, 1:51 am, edited 1 time in total.