Ligea_Seroua wrote:
If it all implodes, I would still like to attend some kind of meet up, even if its just something like a picnic
It does rather seem to have imploded!
I found out,
yesterday, that there is a Meet-Up-Thread on the Social Skills and Making Friends forum/section, and that people from London and the S.E are already getting together on an occasional basis, ( every few weeks ), so if you mentioned a picnic on there you might get some response.
Lotusblossom organised the last couple of meets, and apparently they were a success. So for people who live close enough to London to do a day-meet that would probably be the solution.
However I live in France and can't afford to travel to London for just a half, or even whole, day . The main reason for planning a "European WP Meet-Up in London" was so that people who live too far away for that sort of thing could actually experience a gathering of WP members over a couple of days.
And at one point at least 30 people voted to say that they would be interested.
But it doesn't, after all, look as if enough people on WP are into travelling or anything more than local/regional day meets for this to happen. So I will let the two venues above know there is simply not enough interest and apologise for having taken up their time.
Perhaps next year.
And 7 or 8 of us, at least, have the long-weekend meet-up in Avignon, France, at the end of May, to look forward to. Anyone who likes the sound of a short holiday in the South of France, lazily drinking coffees/wine at café terraces in the sunshine, etc, is very welcome!