After watching a few documentaries on Area-51 I knew I had to stop because I could feel it becoming an obsession.
The reason I found them so intriguing was because I've always loved conspiracies. I think this is because of my constant rejection of mainstream, and general hatred towards conventional beliefs. It didn't matter if they were real, as long as it proved everyone wrong .
But I don't think you should make the assumption people who know a lot about the subjects actually believe them all. I know a lot of conspiracies, and not all of them I believe.
But, yeah. You clearly don't know that much about what you're talking about. You can tell that by looking at the topic. If an Aspie were to believe in such things as the green-big-black-eyed-stereotypical-aliens we all see on TV(which I DOUBT he/she would), they definitely would know the correct terminology, and if you were to actually listen to them, you'd notice they'd NEVER used the term UFO in the flying-saucer sense, and if they do, then they don't know a lot too and are probably bsing you.
Again, I highly doubt any Aspie would believe in the stereotypical definition of an alien, though it really does depend how you define, 'alien'(which again, you seem to be wrong with your terminology, seeing as the primary definition of an alien is a foreigner), Apple's thesaurus for the word Alien;
1 an alien landscape unfamiliar, unknown, strange, peculiar; exotic, foreign. antonym familiar.
2 a vicious role alien to his nature incompatible with, unusual for, opposed to, conflicting with, contrary to, in conflict with, at variance with, out of step with; rare oppugnant to. antonym familiar.
3 alien beings extraterrestrial, unearthly, otherworldly; Martian, Jovian, Venutian. antonym earthly.
1 an illegal alien foreigner, nonnative, immigrant, emigrant, émigré.
2 the alien's spaceship extraterrestrial, ET; Martian, Jovian, Venutian; informal little green man.
Under the 3rd definition, no. I've never met _anyone_ over the age of 8 years old to believe in a, 'little green man', and those who believe in sophisticated life forms out of Earth, over the age 8, know full well that the likely hood of them being with-in our solar system is incredibly slim.
I'm not making the assumption Aspies are clever and thus would not believe such nonsense, but that Aspies aren't complete idiots who are all the same.