ShadesOfMe wrote:
Ermm... it is a disorder isn't it...? I'm confused now...
If autism is a disorder is a matter of perspectve. Let's take asperger syndrome for an example:
There are reports about people dating back to 12th cenutury close to today's reports about people who have received asperger syndrom diagnosis. Asperger diagnosis was written into the DSM-IV ten years ago by the American Psychatric Association. It was believed to differ from 'autism' in the respect of early speech developement. New research questions the existence of significant differences between asperger and autism. The diagnosis asperger might disapear into the 'autistic spectrum'.
There are lots of other critics about autism being a mental health concern throughout this post. Just read through it.
I think everyone is a bit autistic - its a question of degree, and yes - there are severe cases. The monotropism theory supports that idea. But that contadicts the present idea of being 'mental health' OR 'mental disorderd'. Autism is a 'pschycatric' disorder, but no one knows if a 'psyche' exist, where it is, how it functions and how you know that it is not functioning properly. The term is a placeholder for things we don't understand yet. And its discriminating. I don't like that.
You can read about the monotropism theory here: