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Have you been cyber bullied?
Yes 56%  56%  [ 48 ]
no 44%  44%  [ 38 ]
Total votes : 86


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18 May 2011, 3:19 am

Sweetleaf wrote:
I can't take it seriously honestly.........I mean as someone who has actually had to deal with constanly being an outcast and such I can say its much worse when you cannot avoid the being picked on by simply logging out. I mean going to school every day knowing I was going to be picked on by just about everyone and had no friends for support is much worse then having someone on the internet talk crap over a computer screen where I can just log out and go do something else if it irritates me.


You need to do some assertiveness classes and take up boxing or a martial art!


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18 May 2011, 3:24 am

ProudAspie wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
I can't take it seriously honestly.........I mean as someone who has actually had to deal with constanly being an outcast and such I can say its much worse when you cannot avoid the being picked on by simply logging out. I mean going to school every day knowing I was going to be picked on by just about everyone and had no friends for support is much worse then having someone on the internet talk crap over a computer screen where I can just log out and go do something else if it irritates me.


You need to do some assertiveness classes and take up boxing or a martial art!

I am not much into extreme physical activities...and I may just read a few books on assertiveness, don't know how far it will get me though I mean I have no self confidence so I dont know where the assertiveness will come from.


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18 May 2011, 3:36 am


This is bloody tragic!

You are 21! Do me a favour and go and join your local boxing or Judo Club.

Even go along to the gym and lift a few weights!

Just reading your posts is making me sad!


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18 May 2011, 3:39 am

ProudAspie wrote:

This is bloody tragic!

You are 21! Do me a favour and go and join your local boxing or Judo Club.

Even go along to the gym and lift a few weights!

Just reading your posts is making me sad!

Well I don't know I think a short skinny chick with no skill really would look kind of funny trying to lift I could go to a concert and attempt the mosh pit though, if its not too brutal.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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18 May 2011, 4:41 am

Years ago when I first started posting on another forum I had a few 'cyber bullies' that would try and annoy me. 1 of them was particularly bad, bad enough that I was going to go around and beat the ***** out of him irl after I found where he worked. He ended up killing himself before I had the chance, partly because he had some kind of illness. I felt bad for him at the time but right now I feel like justice was served. It wasn't just me he would bully online, he was a total ass to everyone most of the time.


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18 May 2011, 6:21 am

Bluestocking wrote:
I'm sorry to hear that happened to you. I hope you find this place more accommodating and kindly.

As for me, yes, I was cyber bullied. On a forum I used to visit but now no longer visit, owing to a disagreement with the webmaster over his rude treatment and abuse of users he disagreed with politically. There were two users, a couple, who were banned many times, but kept signing up under annonymous screen names to bully me and a few other users specifically. They took great joy in antagonizing me about my Jewish heritage, posting antisemitic remarks, making rude quips, and on a video I posted, they called me ugly and androgynous, asking if I was Jewish because I was so ugly. They also mocked me for being poor, after I broke down and said that I was scared my family would be living off of food stamps.
These types of things were annoying more than anything. I just wonder how they sleep at night making such cheap antisemitic jokes.

The political cyberbullies can be bad. I had one bully and stalk me over a political issue in 2005, on a political debate board. I didn't post my real name or any identifying information, but the bully/stalker misused a site intended for patients to find doctors to dig up my real name, location, etc, and she was posting it publicly, along with lies about me. She'd manage to stay "just this side of the libel law" plus she had all her assets in her daughter's name so that she was "lawsuit proof". She and several other bullies were posting aerial photos of locations near me, veiled threats, even references to my children. I called the police, and they told me the only way they could do anything was if something happened in real life. Fortunately I had allies on my side who had sent me the personal information on all the bullies, so I had the info I needed to call the cops if anything did happen. Sucks that they wouldn't do anything unless something bad happened IRL, though, and that this crap can happen without consequence.


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18 May 2011, 8:55 am

Sounds like you made some big mistakes (to OP). First two that seem apparent is giving away too much personal info, enough they could track you down anyway. Second was responding personally to the people attacking you. Getting upset and arguing with them is pointless, it actually encourages them to be meaner.

I think I can gather what happened. Again, be very careful what personal info you give out. Second is never respond to those really mean posts that make you feel bad.

Forums that are visited a lot by people that also visit 4chan (bad website, do not go there) are places you should be careful. Political, religious, fan fiction, philosophy or any sort of website that has really highly opinionated visitors can be much worse. I find the best defence to any of that is to just ignore the bad feedback. Never respond to it. On any forum only reply to good feedback (positive or constructive). Some people live just to crush your soul, they are to chicken to ever do anything in real life, they just love seeing someone squirm in agony as they try the futile fight of defending them self.

The world has some mean people in it and the Internet's anonymity is a good playground for them.


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18 May 2011, 11:18 am

Sweetleaf wrote:
I can't take it seriously honestly.........I mean as someone who has actually had to deal with constanly being an outcast and such I can say its much worse when you cannot avoid the being picked on by simply logging out. I mean going to school every day knowing I was going to be picked on by just about everyone and had no friends for support is much worse then having someone on the internet talk crap over a computer screen where I can just log out and go do something else if it irritates me.

I can share your pain. It may not count as cyber bullying, but an even worse scenario is what I face in being constantly bullied by my neighbors. So I can't even be at home and get a moment's worth of peace. All I can do is to go out and drive around for a while to get any peace and quiet... and still there are all those people out there just oozing with their attitude and bullying you with their eyes. It almost makes me wish I were back on the remote island where I once lived where I could go out in the rocks and lava fields and be totally alone for a while with no other human in sight.

By the way, you share a birthday with my mom... separated in time by 66 years.

Try to hold your head high and be confident in yourself when you can... it works wonders for the inner spirit. Also try to turn around the hateful things that people say about you and use those people's words and behavior against them. Be a mirror against what they say and do. It helps with your own confidence and sometimes makes people shut up.


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18 May 2011, 11:33 am

This vicious bully of yours diserves to be punished. That has gone way too far!

Last edited by LiendaBalla on 18 May 2011, 11:53 am, edited 1 time in total.


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18 May 2011, 11:52 am

Warsie wrote:
DaxterVoose wrote:
They spammed my profiles, then it calmed down until I posted more artwork. They didn't deliver any helpful critique, but destructive critisim.

post the url please. I hate as*holes who pull that BS, and I want to see if I can do something about that...

Their sort are so hard to resist. :twisted:

kaitlyn_loves_music wrote:
and its usually by guys and they look at my pics and say that im the ugliest girl on earth or i should get my teeth fixed there disguting.

If that avie is you, I doubt those are real men.

Callista wrote:
What if you were to respond with the most over-the-top emotional response you could think of, and see how long you could keep them going?

Sounds fun. I'll go try that in my multi player gameing forum sight.

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12 Jul 2011, 12:07 am

Long ago while I had my old Deviantart account, I posted a comment on a anti-Michael Jackson drawing titled "Wacko Jacko in Hell". I said that this paticular piece was really offensive.
Some moron came on and began taunting me about my interest in Michael Jackson (He's dead! Show him respect!) I actually said something along the lines of "you're dancing on his grave!"
well that idiot came along and said my art gallery was going to get slowly deleted (Sadly, I kept running into this waste of cyberspace everytime I looked at my own stuff. SO WHAT! I USE PHOTOS FROM GOOGLE FOR COLLAGES!! GET OVER IT!!)
And his profile made me want to just vomit! He referred to Michael Jackson fans as the Michael Jackson taliban.
I was at war with this nutcase! When someone calls me crazy, I get a little upset. When someone calls me a baby, I have to open my mouth and say something! BUT IF ANYONE EVER CALLS MICHAEL JACKSON "WACKO JACKO" IT'S WAR!! :evil:


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12 Jul 2011, 1:40 pm

I haven't had any death threats, but I have been cyberbullied.

When I was 12, I posted on a website for my favourite band. They were talking about these two sites that I didn't like at all. I mentioned that I didn't like it, and that bothered them. They seemed to want me to like it. (I'm gbsiscool5531)

Here is the link here: ... hread.aspx

It starts on the last post of this page and goes on for a few pages.

At some point during this discussion, I posted that I had autism so I could explain why I didn't understand that the site was a joke. I was really nervous when posting it, so I sound a bit rude I guess. You can see that here: ... hread.aspx

I was new to forums at this time and hadn't quite figured out how they worked, which is why I quote the original poster.

Then the lady, Trace, started following around and she got annoyed with me because I posted about a rumour about the this band coming to my city. Apparently, it had already been mentioned in another thread (one that I'd rather not post in that wasn't actually about the concert).

A few days later, this happened:

OK. I can understand that they might be a little annoyed at my second post, but they took it too far. This site does NOT have an age restriction by the way. Near the end, Cathie, a mod posted something. She didn't seem to have a problem with me being 12 like the others did. Neither did the admin of the site.

My dad told me that I wasn't allowed to report the post.

I quit the site, for a little bit and look what happened when I came up: ... hread.aspx

Then this happened:

The FAQ on the site called them "sticky thread", but they were called "pinned thread" elsewhere and I didn't know they were the same thing.

Andi didn't really make any other mean posts directed towards me, even when she responded to me. Two of the other members, rarely log on now, and one of them doesn't respond to my posts all that much, but when she does, they aren't mean or anything. I don't post very much on that board anymore. One of them pretty much only posts in the "Ordinary Day" sub forum, which like the random discussion forum on this board. In fact, her last post in a non-off topic forum was from May 2010. I don't post in that forum at all (Ordinary Day).

It kind of subsided after a while, especially after other members started to take my side.


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12 Jul 2011, 1:43 pm ... ri+meerkat

I've been cyber bullied here on WP a few times as well.

Spell meerkat with a C, and I will bite you.


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12 Jul 2011, 2:02 pm

I voted no. I have been flamed, attacked, insulted, made fun and experienced abuse from one of the mods but I don't considered it to be cyber bullying. Bullying, yes but they didn't follow me or anything.

Oh yeah I have been impersonated here and the mods and alex thought it was me. :roll: This was back in 2007 and luckily I missed it when it happened but I found out about it. Plus I had moved into my own apartment so I wasn't even here due to no internet access.


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12 Jul 2011, 9:00 pm

No but I have been flamed and have run into a few trolls but I find them more of annoying. Easier to take care of by either ignoring it or taking out some of my anger by yelling into a pillow.


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13 Jul 2011, 3:13 am

I think that there may be some truth in the allegations that autistics sometimes copy other peoples art work. However it is usually a lot more complex because other peoples art work can be very influential and the finished product can have a lot of changes not present in the original work. I think people get too hung up on this concept of ownership of intellectual property which tends to be an endless source of legal litigation. If artwork were part of a commons then there would be less inhibition and true creative genius could flow. But genius is always frustrated because it always has to meet the impossible requirement of an original idea. Creative artwork can merely be a synthesis of 2 stolen ideas.