To be honest, if people really want to sit around an try to solve the world's problems through controlling reproductive rights, I would say Autism genes would be the last on the list (with NT's above them). Seriously, if you are concerned about who can reproduce and who can't, how many crack babies are out there? What about the women who reproduce just to increase that welfare check? Why stop at the big things? The world has no idea how to draw a line, so let's keep going. If a woman is to be pregnant, let's monitor everything she does during her pregnancy including illegal drugs, prescription drugs, legal drugs like caffeine, nutra sweet, and nicotine, and let's also not allow her to lift anything over a certain weight, including her other children, etc. We better make sure she doesn't have sex or any blood transfusions because then she runs the risk of giving her baby different diseases. We don't need to make men more responsible to help these women do we, since this is a world ran by men and God forbid anyone of them step up to the plate. No, women deserve a life of servitude if they choose to reproduce. Then after they have the kids, we have to force them into being stay at home moms so that the kids are getting proper treatment. All have to breastfeed, no wait, formula is better, no breast feeding is best, no formula is safer, wait, what if the woman can't breastfeed, well then to make it consistent, we go formula, but if we go formula what about soy or milk? No, soy is bad. No, what if the baby has a milk allergy?
Sounds pretty stupid and irrational if you ask me. Also, since science cannot determine what gene causes autism, or if the one that causes autism is the same as the one that causes aspergers, or how to test for this gene or anything of that nature, then it's even more silly to talk about monitoring the reproductive rights of people we cannot determine to actually have the problem, if it is even a real problem, or are we going to base this on psychology's opinion? Because it might be easier if Astrology can determine this by your sun sign.