TobyZ wrote:
Bataar wrote:
Getting a job that pays much better would be a very good thing (as it would for most people),
Money is it's own curse. The more you have, the more you become a target of the government (taxes), other people (lawsuits, money motivated friends and spouses).
There isn't much of anything in life that can't be screwed up
I just want to be able to support myself and alleviate boredom. When my brother graduated college, he moved into a small apartment by himself. He couldn't afford much so he had his friends over all the time or his girlfriend (now wife) and they'd just hang out, drink, play games, etc. Or he'd go over to one of his friends' places and do the same thing. If they really wanted to splurge, they'd go to a bar and shoot pool, play darts, etc. He didn't have cable TV, he didn't buy video games, hell, he didn't even have Internet access.
Even if those were options for me, they wouldn't make me happy. On my current income, even though I live with my mom, I support many of the bills, including my cable internet and HD cable at the house. Since TV is one of my main interests this is key. If I was on my own, I probably couldn't afford this. I also play video games. If I was living on my own currently, I wouldn't be able to afford them and I'd have nothing to occupy my time with. I don't have any friends so when I'm at home, I'd be there by myself and not having anything to do but sit and stare at the walls or read a book occasionally would drive me insane.