What would someone with the opposite of autism / Asperger's Syndrome be like?
Sort of like my ideal girl at this point--though I wouldn't like it to the degree that it becomes another psychiatric syndrome, and have other criteria as well. I don't think there is just one type of "inverse autism"--it's not a one-dimensional classification.
There was this guy living it the room next door my last year in college dorms that seemed almost comically inverse-autistic. He was a business student and absolutely loved to chat with anyone and everyone, but apart from that didn't seem to have many interests (aside from sneaking up on people and saying "boo"--the funniest thing about him was that he kept "booing" his roommates about once a day for more than a whole semester, long past the point where it was new and interesting). I could tell that he found me amusing too, I guess because I didn't play along with the kind of social "games" he was trying to get me to play and that most other people joined into.
However, I think that "inverse autistic" people range from boisterous fun-loving chatters like this guy, to very sweet, sensitive types, to "bitchy" manipulative people. It depends on their personalities and other psychological traits. It's sort of like "what's the opposite of a lawyer?" Well, in one way you could say "a doctor", if you're trying to choose between these career paths, but on the other hand these occupations are both high-paying and require an advanced degree, so maybe "a plumber" could also be an answer, etc.
sociopathy can be seen as a sort of inverse-autism, in which the so-called "mirror neuron" functions and mind-reading skills work better than those of most nonautistics, but these people's ethical sensibilities seem to be inactive.
I thought that sociopathy was pretty much the utter absence of empathy, but maybe that's more psychopathy. I'm not that familiar with how these are similar or different.