Neologism, word playing, idiosyncratic humour

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05 Sep 2019, 4:56 pm

I like turn things absurd with logic and playing with multiple meanings. I bet some people might call me a moron or a racist at times but it is just hilarious because they do not understand that I do not mean it. I like to make people laugh or mad at at me. Overall I like to see people displaying all sorts of irrational emotions.


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08 Sep 2019, 1:25 pm

Clowningstreet 10 instead of Downingstreet 10, this wordplaying is not humor, its sad.
I have good hope that the Britisch are smart enough to solve the populist Boris.



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10 Sep 2019, 11:57 am

Kobietuchna - affectionate Polish word for a woman, kobietuchenka - its dimunitive.
Kobietuchen - genitive plural for "kobietuchna". Kobietuchenek - genitive plural for "kobietuchenka".

Cobetixen - word formed by "latinization" of the word "kobietuchen", in which "x" was used to symbolize consonant wrote in Polish as "ch" or "h" (it occurs also in Russian language and is written almost exactly as "x", in English transliteration it is written as "kh"). The word "cobetixen" is somewhat similar to the word "chlorprothixen" or "chlorprothixene", it is the name of one of substanced in psychotropic drug which I get now.


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10 Sep 2019, 2:17 pm

I like to deliberately mispronounce words, particularly when looking at road signs.

For example I might call the word "radiation"

"Ra Di Ah Ti Un" in stead of the correct "Re di eh shun"

"Ignorance may be bliss, but knowledge is power."


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14 Sep 2019, 8:59 pm

i'm not a catcher but i've got a mask for catching
and i get paid to catch, so when i start catching it's like ca-ching ca-ching

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.


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14 Sep 2019, 10:38 pm

these p**** geeks are leaking queefs i mean - f*****g c***s -
- i'm completely free to leave you bleeding when i squeeze th'red dot release

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.


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19 Sep 2019, 3:15 pm

Tfutanie - my Polish neologism for the sound of dying dog in game Fallout 2 (the game contains many dangerous ideas, evil content like brutality and vulgarisms).
Grutanie - my Polish neologism for sound which is sometimes made by large deathclaws in Fallout 2 when there is no fight.
Uumć - my Polish neologism for sound of dying large deathclaw in Fallout (1) or Fallout 2.
All three words above are onomatopeic.

Aucophrenia, aucorophrenia, aucoriphrenia - blend of aucorigia and schizophrenia. Polish counterparts: aukofrenia, aukorofrenia, aukoryfrenia.


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24 Sep 2019, 9:26 am

With Love. :heart:

The dutch word for chicory is witlof, when we speak it, its nearly the same as "with love"



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24 Sep 2019, 4:37 pm

Grutać - Polish infinitive verb used by me to describe the action of deathclaws making "grrrrrrh" sound.

Helborsód - word formed by concatenation of Polish names for chemical elements with atomic numbers: 2 (hel, helium, He), 5 (bor, boron, B), 11 (sód, sodium, Na).
HeBNa - word formed by concatenation of chemical symbols of these three elements, from lightest to heaviest.

Numbers: 2, 5, 11 are three smallest Thabit numbers (also known as 321 numbers), they are additive primes.


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24 Sep 2019, 5:19 pm

In christianity marks on christs hands . Stigmata , then word imagination ..
Think : figment of your imagination.
Spoken outloud ,,: A Stigmata of your estageation . It sounded good in person.

Think : eternally indebted .
Spoken outloud : infernally ingraciated .

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27 Sep 2019, 1:07 pm

Grutadło - a deathclaw, especially big one. The word was not found in the Google.

Przedpyszcze (English: the fore mouth) - one of parts of the body of the creature known as "floater" which occurs in evil-containing games Fallout 1 and Fallout 2. The word "przedpyszcze" was not found in the Google today.

Kocypesk - the word which was not found in the Google today. It means "cat's muzzle". It comes from Kashubian phrase "kòcy pësk".


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28 Sep 2019, 5:08 pm

Grutacz - a deathclaw. Especially big one.

Schizotwór (plural schizotwory) - marijuana. It appears that marijuana many times increases the probability of schizophrenia or psychosis. Word "schizotwór" is from schizo(phrenia) and tworzyć (to create, to make).

Enteballo - 350 results in Google.

Krómnić - Google did not found that word. It is one of my Polish neologisms meaning "to defecate" (used especially in reference to a cow).

Кромь - my Russian neologism for feces, especially ones of the cattle.


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28 Sep 2019, 7:49 pm

I gotta sh***y hand from assburgers.

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.


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28 Sep 2019, 8:05 pm

Erewhon wrote:
Nice wordplaying nca14 with your Catholic

In both i am not addicted, not to Catholic, and either not to Ca✟holic

I did found a Catholic cat on the net.

can you find a pic of monkey like that?

If so then the monkey would be...."a Catholic primate" :D !


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28 Sep 2019, 8:18 pm

RhodyStruggle wrote:
I recently started using the term "flat-minds" to refer to neurotypical people, based on the hypothesis that the greater neural synaptic density associated with autism spectrum disorders manifests (or can manifest under the right conditions) as additional cognitive capacity suitable for analytic thought of more dimensions (i.e. variables) than neurotypical minds are capable of.

I like the label because it reverses the typical discourse on autism by describing the neurotypical in terms of what they lack.

Exceptionally perfectumundum expressiation.

Ty need that.

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28 Sep 2019, 8:29 pm

okay .. now .......m am constantly doing this when alone. My sound combinations are directly expressive of the current moment , i am in. But,
Having said that , a multifaceted malingering intent to maladapt and mutilate, ie.murderlize the english language . Has been a long standing habit of mine . But i try to make it somewhat readable by nts . For christians among us think : "merely a figment of your imagination" for others simple put
" a stigmata of your estageation" perfectly clear ? Yes ? And on and on infinitum. :)

Diagnosed hfa
Loves velcro,
where ever you go ,there you are