xkandakex wrote:
When your co-workers call you "Walking Wikipedia" because they can ask you a random question about practically anything and you can explain it!
...Or when you're called a "walking dictionary" because you can spell and define any word they throw at you!
xkandakex wrote:
When you laugh out loud at a story someone is telling you, at an odd moment, because the movie in your head of what they're describing just looks hilarious!
Oh man, and then when you go to describe why you're laughing so hard, everyone gives you a weird look. (But you're too amused to care anyway. It's just sad they miss out!)
xkandakex wrote:
When you feel the need to explain the complex systems of (insert interest of the moment here) to all your family and friends because it's just so fascinating -- well, at least it is to you!
I used to work in a garden center, and so I was researching a bunch of local plants. I learned that Spanish Moss is part of the Bromeliad family (as are pineapples!) I was so amazed that I told one of my bosses about it... He gave me a look that actually made me feel embarrassed. "Umm... Cool?" he responded. My face must've been red after that, but what? It was fascinating to me! This weird moss-like plant is related to those funky flowers, is related to pineapples? That's incredible! But anyways...