Neologism, word playing, idiosyncratic humour

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29 Oct 2019, 9:52 pm

nca14 wrote:
Alphabed - good pun!

Retazzoso - word formed by linking of words in phrase "reta z zoso" which comes from "ręta z zósó", which is gross misspelling of Polish phrase "Renta z ZUS-u" ("pension from ZUS (Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych - Social Insurance Institution)"). Another variant of the pun might be rentazzoso.

Płydź - my Polish neologism with the same meaning as English word "filth".

Irat - lizard. Polish (quite augmentative) word for lizard is "jaszczur" and in Polish "ja" means "I" and "szczur" means "rat". Lizard is usually called "jaszczurka" in Polish, so the word "iratka" may be formed.

Umungous smiles at iratka

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31 Oct 2019, 12:51 am

you'll think i'm sweet like delicious Mars
until i start spitting dives worse than filthy bars

Dive bars are stereotypically less than hygienic; I'm generally nice in person until I start rhyming about transgressive s**t.

Careful Kevin, you're gonna get more beats than J Dilla ever made.

J Dilla is a prolific producer who's made hundreds of beats. That's not the type of beat I was referring to at the moment I said that.

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.


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31 Oct 2019, 10:19 pm

For Halloween I wanna go out with friends like Smashing Pumpkins. :nerdy:

Visual gag and wordplay. Since it's my idea, I call dibs on Billy Corgan.

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.


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01 Nov 2019, 1:55 am

funeralxempire wrote:
For Halloween I wanna go out with friends like Smashing Pumpkins. :nerdy:

Visual gag and wordplay. Since it's my idea, I call dibs on Billy Corgan.

Prefers billy idol . Nice wordplay .

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02 Nov 2019, 9:51 am

Kramnojed, kromnojed, kromnoyed, kramnoyed - one who eats poop. Especially cow poop.

Popa v kramne - backside in feces, especially rear end of a cow covered (or cowered) with her own poo. Rudely speaking, a** in sh**.

Kramnenica, kramnenitsa - something stupid, silly.

Kromno launcher - the buttocks, regio glutealis, especially the anus.

For me there is notting funnier than a**, f**ting and sh**! They are so funny because they are pretty stinky.


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03 Nov 2019, 6:23 am

The picture is not from myself, i stole it somewhere on the net.
The male on the right side of the picture gives a autistic answer :) , it seems he is a image-thinker.



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03 Nov 2019, 11:23 am

Erewhon wrote:
The picture is not from myself, i stole it somewhere on the net.
The male on the right side of the picture gives a autistic answer :) , it seems he is a image-thinker.


Very poignant ...!

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07 Nov 2019, 1:41 pm

Enletor - word formed from the phrases: endless torment or endless torture.
Enletorism - belief in the existence of endless torment. In Polish enletoryzm. Words "enteloryzm" and "enletorism" were not found in a search engine. I am interested if they were used by someone else.

Mruism (Polish mruizm) - word formed from the phrase "monotheistic radical universalism" and suffix - ism.

Semmon - word formed from words of phrase "semitic monotheism".
Semmonism - neologism which is a term for religions like Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Bahaism, which are based on books which describes many Semitic people.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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08 Nov 2019, 7:10 am

nca14 wrote:
Twikoobord (weird looking word :) ) - formed by blending twit, kook, bozo and nerd

Kootwauen - formed by blending kook, twit (or twerp), autisticity and NT (en-tee); describes very bizarre condition, such as twikoobord

Wow, it`s really interesting, thank you! :D :D :D


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12 Nov 2019, 2:21 pm

Towaterabrick - word formed from phrase "to water a brick", by concatenation. The "brick" here means... fecal matter. Yuk!
Bricksinker - one who defecates at the WC.
To brick, to pass a brick - to defecate.
Brick factory - buttocks or, more correctly, intestines or abdomen.
Bricking - defecation.
Brick - poop, poo, stool, feces, excrement.

Elohgib - phrase "big hole" read backwards and concatenated.
Nhojraed - phrase "dear John" read backwards and concatenated.
Txen - word "next" read backwards.
Ggetnaig - phrase "giant egg" read backwards and concatenated.


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12 Nov 2019, 3:58 pm

You really have a thing for poop, don't you? :?

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.


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13 Nov 2019, 12:46 pm

Poop is one of the funniest things that exist. Only buttocks and toots appear to be as funny as feces. Anus is not as funny as the two fleshy buns between which it is located.

Tailofacat - word formed by concatenation of words in the phrase "tail of a cat". TOAC - abbreviation.

To throw off rubble, to throw off debris - to expel fecal matter by the anus.

Thinking and talking about excrement do not cause disgust in me. My mentality looks at rude word associated with backside and anal ellimination as very, very funny, but I do not want to use vulgar words because I read or heard that using vulgarisms is a sin. But should words associated with body parts and physiological needs be considered vulgar? I may think that only words associated with sexual intercourse (not just anatomical differences) should be considered vulgar.

Donkey bronze (Polish: ośli brąz) - fecal matter.

Donkey fumes, donkey vapors - intestinal gases expelled by anus which is between donkeycheeks (buttocks, of course).

Donkeytunnel - the rectum. Polish: tunel w ośle, osłotunel.


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15 Nov 2019, 5:25 pm

Rihedo - word formed by two first letters in words of the phrase "right hemisphere dominance".
Lehedo - word formed by two first letters in words of the phrase "left hemisphere dominance".

I think that lehedo may be a form of aucorigia and something like a pervasive developmental disorder, it is somewhat like NVLD, but with good arithmetic skills. I have rather lehedo than NVLD. Rihedo may be quite common among individuals with "classic" autism. I would consider lehedo more "autistic" than rihedo, people with lehedo may be clumsy and not talented in arts, they may have relatively poor executive functioning. I think that there may be more left-brained aspies than right-brained ones.

Obscomdis - word formed from three first letters of words in the phrase "obsessive-compulsive disorder".
Obscom - word formed by three first letters of words in the phrase "obsessive-compulsive".


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15 Nov 2019, 6:02 pm

nca14 wrote:
Thinking and talking about excrement do not cause disgust in me. My mentality looks at rude word associated with backside and anal ellimination as very, very funny, but I do not want to use vulgar words because I read or heard that using vulgarisms is a sin. But should words associated with body parts and physiological needs be considered vulgar? I may think that only words associated with sexual intercourse (not just anatomical differences) should be considered vulgar.

Personally the only words I tend to treat as vulgar are a handful of particularly harsh slurs. Beyond that I tend to use my 'full vocabulary' in most contexts.

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.


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15 Nov 2019, 11:36 pm

nca14 wrote:
Rihedo - word formed by two first letters in words of the phrase "right hemisphere dominance".
Lehedo - word formed by two first letters in words of the phrase "left hemisphere dominance".

I think that lehedo may be a form of aucorigia and something like a pervasive developmental disorder, it is somewhat like NVLD, but with good arithmetic skills. I have rather lehedo than NVLD. Rihedo may be quite common among individuals with "classic" autism. I would consider lehedo more "autistic" than rihedo, people with lehedo may be clumsy and not talented in arts, they may have relatively poor executive functioning. I think that there may be more left-brained aspies than right-brained ones.

Obscomdis - word formed from three first letters of words in the phrase "obsessive-compulsive disorder".
Obscom - word formed by three first letters of words in the phrase "obsessive-compulsive".


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20 Nov 2019, 11:43 am

Harsen - the buttocks. Especially male ones, when provocatively exposed as bare. Word is associated with British English word a**e (impolite word for rear end), (Old?) Greek arsen (masculine, virile - probably an adjective) and "h" at the beginning may represent throat-associated sound before vovel "a" (some words starting with "a" in Polish may have dialectal(?) counterparts with "h" before "a"). For example, the phrase "pokazać harsena" means "to show the buttocks".

My sick mentality used the word "harsen" to name somewhat mortally sinful, dangerous, depraved and against nature - sexual pleasure associated with male buttocks, especially when the person who experiences it is also male.

Asysy - another term for buttocks, from American English word which means backside in rude language, "asysy" is a sort of spelling out (naming single letters) of the word "a**" in Polish language (name(?) of the letter "s" is often spelled spelled as "sy" in Polish, which might be considered somewhat colloquial, more formal spelling of "s" is "es").