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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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09 May 2013, 10:46 pm

You might be an aspie if..

you tell your partner to "scoot over so we can cuddle."

you can recognize your aspie neighbor from a mile away but get everyone else mixed up with their 'look-alikes'


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16 Jun 2013, 9:24 am

Okay, these ones are only made by self-experience and opinion. I don't really know if anyone would be able to go by this we go.

You might be an Aspie if:

...when in an "argument" with a fellow friend or an older sibling, you would end up going on and on about the same topic for ages just to try and get your point across. can think up many references that are linked up to most of your obsessions on the spot, when no matter how hard you try to give an explanation to that single thing, people would be mostly not even get it anyway. :roll:

...when you end up trying to have a genuine and straightforeward conversation with a 7 year old child.

...when your best friend is infact a computer! :D

...when you end up giving alot of your electronics (e.g: Computer, Xbox, Mobile...) a name!
(My Computer's called Ewok_G1...just so you know..) :oops:

...when you end up having more fun with a teacher/adult than you would have with someone out of your own, particular age group.

...when you end up being more attracted to actual ADULTS than TEENS!? 8O

...when you end up taking things apart for the h*ll of it, even if you have no complete idea/clue on how to re-assemble it afterwards. (Oops...!)

...when you'd rather sleep and stay at home than go to an actual nightclub. see your favorite shirt in the wash, no matter how wet/damp it actually is, you still decide to put it on.
(I do this a lot, actually.) 8O

...when... (this is bound to be already mentioned...) you end up wearing the same clothes for over 3 days in the row and sleep in them.

...when you intentionally forget to take a shower because you have "better" things to do than care for your actual hygiene.

But like I said...please do not take these as actual judgements for other's aspie-related actions.
Also I might expand this list soon as it not entirely good at the moment and lacks thought so...oops:

Oh, I have just thought of some more!

...When everytime you end up posting or commenting on websites you can't force yourself to look afterwards for replies in fear of being mis-understood and criticised...also when you act very hard on yourself, when you think you're asking for too much in life, when you'd rather put others before yourself, no matter how much important that one thing may be to you, when you're constantly checking your paragraphs/sentences for spelling mistakes, when you have a strange desire for long vocabulary, when you beg your IT teacher for more homework and when you'd rather stay in school, doing work than go on a field trip.

Hope these are...okay?


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22 Jun 2013, 1:12 pm

Your contributions are grand, SilentDaydreamer. :D

I even tend to use my fact-filled, semi-logical approach to conversation on my three-year-old nephew. :lol:

You might be an Aspie if: use to stay updated with "popular culture." just find out today, about ten months after the fact, from said website that the father of Kim Kardashian's baby is Kanye West.
...when talking to your sixty-six year old stepmother, who does not keep up with popular culture, about this, you learn that that even she knew the name of aforementioned baby before you did. are not entirely sure that you have ever heard "silence" in your entire life.

I am not a textbook case of any particular disorder; I am an abstract, poetic portrayal of neurovariance with which much artistic license was taken.


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22 Jun 2013, 1:52 pm

You might be an aspie if... don't pay attention to clothing commercials because they don't apply to you and you won't be buying them anyway. miss out on the One Day Sale at Macy's, Nordstrom's or Abercrombie & Fitch because you don't shop there anyway.

...they announce the days for the summer picnic at your job but you immediately start working on excuses to weasel out of going. get dragged to the mall but the only store you're really interested in is the technical/scientific ones.

...people at work show up with their vacation pictures and you immediately find something else to do.'re in a department store but you're not part of the group buying clothes and items for the beach.


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22 Jun 2013, 2:48 pm like it when other females say they are single because then you don't feel like you're the only one who is single have made yourself look ridiculous in front of your cousins because of your obsession with the doors in the house having to be closed isolate yourself from family social situations all because you are afraid of people making loud irritating noises (sneezing loudly, yawning loudly, etc). It's just that bad to you always miss out on good stuff when isolating yourself from your family, like them sharing holidays photos or telling fun ghost stories, then you feel like kicking yourself for missing out on it are thanking your lucky stars that you know how to not offend people during conversations (like being too honest, etc)

....there is somebody else started at your work who seems like an Aspie to you, and you really hope he will be there when you're there, not because you fancy him or anything, but because you then won't feel like the only one with a disability

....people tread on eggshells around you because of your avoidant personality remember the times you got rejected/dejected from your teenage years, and always get a feeling of self-pity each time you think about it get so attached to objects that you are afraid to get rid of them, even if they aren't much good can't stop believing that objects have feelings, even though deep down you know they don't tell lies about your social life, to make you look more like a ''normal'' person than you really are


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23 Jun 2013, 8:16 am're friends with most of the cats on your street but want to hide from your human neighbours. know more about the body language of cats than of humans.'re always buying more stim toys to replace the ones you've broken.


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23 Jun 2013, 12:46 pm

your favourite song is 'puff the magic dragon' and you listen to it non-stop and everyone just got to accept it as a fact

you dont have any friends really, and only people who like you are your husbands closest friend, a very odd person who wants a friend just to boss around and cant find anyone else to do it to but you dont really want to be her friend, and men that fancy you only because they fancy you (yes, aparently im that pretty)

you stopped believing in the common cliche 'stick up for yourself and people wont bully you', because you do stick up for yourself but you still get bullied by most of your work 'mates'

your husband is the only person in the world who understand you, because he have adhd and learning dificulties and possibly some traits of aspergers so he knows also what its like to sometimes feel like an outsider

you turn out an invitation to a social event by one of your husbands friends


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23 Jun 2013, 8:56 pm

if the only time you ever laugh out-loud is when you are reading posts on Wrong Planet...

Blue Jay
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23 Jun 2013, 9:44 pm

1. ... if your discomfort with being around people is so much that you refuse to ever go INSIDE McDonald's, and only ALWAYS use the drive-through (what if someone sees me?).

2. ... if, upon returning home, you try to move very quickly from the car to the house so that you don't have to socialize with or be seen by the neighbors. But you can't help but get stuck following a line of ants.... and then finding a piece of food to put in the way of the ant-line... and then watching the ants cart it away. And then suddenly realize you've been hunched in your front lawn for 45 minutes playing with ants for all your street to see.

3. ... if you have been humming the Skyrim cover song for the past 2 weeks, with no end in sight.

4. ... if you must see which household objects are most easily balanced on your feet as you're lying on your back with your feet straight in the air.

5. ... if you forget that the bookstore you've been in all day is attached to a mall.

6. ... if cosmetics shopping results in hundreds of stripes up and down your arm from testing various colors and textures and scents of lip color. It must be a certain color. No, something between those two. (50 shades and one exhausted shop assistant later) THAT ONE! No, nevermind, it smells wrong.

7. ... if Bath and Body Works and Yankee Candle are waaaaaaay too sensory overload for your poor nose.

8. .... if you can't pull yourself away from feeling every single vibrating back massager, memory-foam item, Dr. Scholl's insoles, squishy kids' toys, and other such things.

9. ... You can spend hours in any store with sparkly/flashy items (jewelry, lighting, Christmas, etc)

10. ... You must have every type of lava lamp that there is available, and turned on, at all times.

11. ... if you are having a conversation with someone in the form of them talking and you responding in written notes, because you simply cannot verbally articulate a ******* thing.

Professionally diagnosed
Your Aspie score: 182 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 32 of 200
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24 Jun 2013, 2:41 am

SilentDaydreamer wrote:
...when in an "argument" with a fellow friend or an older sibling, you would end up going on and on about the same topic for ages just to try and get your point across.

This: I drive others nuts because I have to get my point across, and they drive me nuts when they refuse to hear it, or worse, walk away before I've finished!

"Survival is insufficient" - Seven of Nine
Diagnosed with ASD level 1 on the 10th of April, 2014
Rediagnosed with ASD level 2 on the 4th of May, 2019
Thanks to Olympiadis for my fantastic avatar!

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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02 Mar 2014, 1:14 am

These are from today ( well yesterday now)....................You get so obsessed posting on this site that you lose track of time and stop talking to the person you were having a facebook conversation with, and you need to go pee really badly and have for an hour but you don't want to get up, and it's past your bed time. And the person your talking to makes a comment well either you went to bed or are obsessed with looking up something because you haven't' respond in so long and you only stop when this site says there is to many people, check facebook and realized you left in the middle of a conversation and the person has left. Then when you check your email start looking up stuff related to the topic of the email, and then you end up back hear posting on this site even though it's after 1:00 am.

When you've spent so much time on the computer your back hurts.

When you are in the middle of a meeting with people and you have to put on sunglasses because the lights bother you too much much and between that and the noise of the fan which seems exstreamly loud you are starting to get sensory overload.

When start to get extremely anxious because you have to get a picture taken and when you try to put up makeup ( which you hardly ever do) the eye makeup seems to make you look worse because you blink so much the mascara gets everywhere.

When your mom brushes and drys your hair because you never do a good enough job when you do it yourself and she wants you to look nice for the picture.

When you have a shower you totally get lost in time and 30 minutes goes by in like 2 minutes. Only to have your mom calling you to get out of the bathroom and realize you better finish washing your hair because you have a tendency to not get all the soap out of your hair.

When you dad is talking about a plot ( like a story plot) and you picture a plot of land (like a farm) and someone taking care of it.

When your mom gets frustrated with how literal me and my dad are being and we laugh at literal based jokes and she thinks its weird.

When you run into someone and they know who you are but you don't know who they are , even if there is a slight recognition on your part but have no clue where you know this person and then they know exactly how they know you and conversations you've had.

When you are still typing on this post and still haven't gone to bed or gone to the bathroom and 15 minutes has gone by.

Your Aspie score: 140 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 63 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie
Eye test score: 21
AQ test score: 40.0 , AQ-10: 7.0
(RAADS-R): 183.0

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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02 Mar 2014, 1:20 am

You finished the post and then came back because you thought of something else...

i.e. you read a book about survival skills for aspie women and could relate to nearly everything in the book.

..... you still haven't gone to the bathroom.

Your Aspie score: 140 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 63 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie
Eye test score: 21
AQ test score: 40.0 , AQ-10: 7.0
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02 Mar 2014, 2:24 am

You are 56 years old and you found out who you really are last year.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman


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02 Mar 2014, 12:32 pm

You go to a job fair and are too afraid to actually approach any of the companies that you want to work for.

"Success is not the absence of failure, it is the persistence through failure."

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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02 Mar 2014, 12:49 pm

You go to church with your parents and get really overwhelmed from sensory overload and have to put on your sunglasses inside and that doesn't work, you go outside to get away and some kid is laying a game with load music and other kids are crying and you still feel overloaded. You try putting your coat over your head to drown stuff out but that doesn't work. You then go to one person bathroom turn off the lights and sit on the floor, find some relief but the fan which you can't turn off is driving you crazy. Then you go back and sit down in the church service try to calm self down star twiddling your thumbs around to self sooth. Then you go out into the greeting area and you can't wait to leave because it's so overwhelming because everyone is talking at once and you are unable to tune stuff out but it's all mumble jumble and can't make stuff out. Then you put on your music to try to drown out the noise. You finally get into the car and your parents have decided to drive an extra person home, you knew going in that that would make sensory overload worse because being squished in the back seat is not fun but your too afraid to say something you let it pass, but it is so overwhelming and the 5-10 minute drive seems like it's taking 2 hours and time goes in slow motion. You get back home it's ok but as you are sitting her noises bother you, you can hear parents doing dishes and the water softener going the lights are still bothering you and you wonder if you will ever get down to an ok level.

That was my morning for ya.

Your Aspie score: 140 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 63 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie
Eye test score: 21
AQ test score: 40.0 , AQ-10: 7.0
(RAADS-R): 183.0


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28 Mar 2014, 6:40 am

You might be an aspie if you go to WP to reply to random threads... and it's way past your bedtime.