FOLS - abbreviation of the phrase "fear of large suffering". Maybe my biggest mental health problem.
Folsic, folser, folsing, folsity, folsous - "descendants" of the abbreviation FOLS.
Nololudek - "space alien", "E.T.". From Polish "NOL" (abbreviation of "niezidentyfikowany obiekt latający" which means "unidentified flying object" (UFO)). UFO is much more common term in Poland than NOL, however. Other words formed from NOL are for example: "nolita" (passenger of a NOL, "extraterrestrial messenger"), "nolonauta" (UFOnaut, practically the same as "nolita"), "nolologia" ("ufology"), nololog ("ufologist").
Ufolec - not my neologism, but a word which looks funny for my mentality. It means "space alien", "passenger of UFO". It is colloquial, derogatory, offensive in my opinion. It looks similar to the Polish word "stolec" which means "stool", "feces", "excrement". Shorter version is "ufol" which the same meaning and similar character.