KenG wrote:
Some people on the Autscape-Chat list suggested that if we want autistic/neurodivergent gatherings to become more popular, we need to make them more frequent? Is that true?
I think it might be. The number of people going to the WP London Meet-Ups which Lotusblossom organises every couple of months, or even more often, has increased since it became a "regular" event. I suspect it's because people can count on it, count on it happening, safely invest in it, are familiar with the idea, and also don't "have to" suppress almost all desire to do it again ( because it was so wonderful that it hurt to come back from it, with no prospect of another for months or longer ).
But more frequent meet-ups would have to be more "local", less expensive, easier to get to for more people, like Lotusblossom's long half-days in London which a lot of people can get to on a relatively frequent basis.
Very few people can or want to go away for more than a day or two, except in the main holiday periods, and the trouble then is that venues are at their most expensive, and couldn't do it more than once or, at a stretch, twice a year.
These are all problems that Autscape has looked at, and is why they hold their event once a year in August in the south of England ( mostly ), ... and 70 people is a huge achievement seeing that this spring our talking about a two/three day WP event only led to eight of us meeting away from the London hub of european membership.
Find somewhere cheap,
really cheap, and essentially offer a budget holiday, in AS/neurodivergent company, at peak holiday season, and it might attract a lot of people.
We need rich sponsors, with beautiful places to let us have for free!