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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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17 Aug 2012, 1:27 pm

Today I was at the doctor.

I was summoned for seemingly no reason.
My psychiatrist had asked for a referral to get a DEXA scan made.
The assistant had called and left me a message (moment 1: I don't answer the phone): "The doctor would prefer to see you.".
I texted my mom if she would call to make an appointment (moment 2: I am afraid to call them myself, as they are busy and demanding over there).

I was really anxious about the meeting, as I could not figure out why she would want to see me.
To make it worse; it was some other Doctor I've never heard about (moment 3: Afraid for the unexpected and to meet people in person and a new person on top of that).
I was so scared I couldn't practice piano and had diarrhea because of it... Also I couldn't sleep and had a horrible night because of the stress!! !

I get there, and oh no! Some woman who my mom used to know is also walking to the doctors office.
So... we "met" at the front desk and the stupid assistant is chatting on the phone, so we have to wait and make small talk!
Moment 4: Small talk: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! !
Moment 5: It was awkward as I pretended to be interested and intrigued by her complaints or whatever. Racking my brain about what I know about her, and what I am supposed to talk about.
Hoping superhard she wouldn't ask what I was there for! My mind is racing.

Moment 6: There is no one else waiting, for once! I'd have feared a meltdown!
Moment 7: I want to stim so bad, but I'm still in the "conversation", which might be going well???
Moment 8: My doctor comes to pick up the woman that is talking to me. But I have an appointment with someone else???? What to say or do? So awkward!
Moment 9: The woman tells the doctor that I am so old and grown up now (really?) THEN she tells the doctor a story about when I was three days old I threw up on her and she took me into the shower!! !! !! OMG, I just smile and hope the ground will swallow me whole, or everyone leaves.
Moment 10: Finally I am alone, except not really as the pharmacy desk looks out over the waiting room table and the women there are gossiping. I bounce my legs as silently as possible; stimming at last!
Moment 11: Meeting the new doctor and going into her office. Millions of thoughts fly through my head, and I wonder if I can make it.
Moment 12: THIS IS THE BIG ONE! I am explaining stuff that is already in my files, secretly wondering what she wants from me... Then I notice I am looking at a fixed point approximately a meter from her face.
I used to stare into the eyes all the time, but research and practice have shown that not looking at someone frees up about 10% more "capacity" to think in NT's, and surely tons more in ASD! I now hardly ever look at people when I'm talking to them, which avoids so much stress and makes talking much more bearable. BUT! Then I suddenly say: "I'm sorry for not looking you in the eyes, I have autism and when not looking at you I can think more easily". YIKES!
It felt so awkward, I just flapped it out there!! !
Moment 13: I think I am supposed to leave (having told nothing new at all, gotten my referral paper and not underwent any sort of test or nothing!) but instead of shaking her hand I suddenly twist my head around as if examining an interesting object (see Mr. Data from Star Trek for the movement) and ask: "Are you my Doctor now, or is my Doctor still mine?". I was curious and wondered if I had missed some cue that NT's would not miss. But she said: "No, she is still your Doctor.".
I pump her hand and sprint out, without a clue why I had to see her and not my own doctor. She said "I got the call for the referral and wanted to see you. If you had gone to your own doctor she would be confused why she was supposed to see you!" (after the previous scentence). I SOOOOOO wanted to blurt out "Of course she would be confused, *I* am equally confused about it and I was there for the meeting!".

Moment 14: I have my mom make me an appointment for the scan.
Moment 15: I ask her for advice on how to politely tell a guy I don't know to stop calling me. She tells me to just help him with his stupid computerproblems.
We both get angry, I guess it counts as a little meltdown... :cry:

Sorry for the long post!

Empathy quotient: 14
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17 Aug 2012, 3:40 pm

nrau wrote:
IdahoRose wrote:
A few days ago, my dad and I did the dishes and laundry and cleaned the kitchen after dinner, which are things that my mom usually does. I blurted out, completely without thinking, "Hey mom, dad and I did your chores for you!" She and dad were completely shocked that I said that (though thankfully not hurt or angry), even though I don't really understand why that was inappropriate. I thought that cleaning every night counted as a chore. (shrugs)

I don't get it either. You did her chores for her. So...what? Why were they shocked?

Maybe because referring to them as "chores" implies that Mom is the one who is supposed to do those things; that it's expected of her. That's the only reason I can think of.


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17 Aug 2012, 4:44 pm

A few days ago, I was assisting a couple co-workers with giving a presentation. One of them wanted me to film him with his phone. Then he told me, hes only gonna be up for a few min. I misinterpretted him and thought he only wanted himself filmed not the other guy. So I started laughing hysterically (inapproprietly) when the class was full with people. My other co-worker was giving me this bizarre look. Then I filmed him and stopped when he sat down.

So aspie parts, I misread his words and laughed hysterically in an inappropriete setting.

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17 Aug 2012, 4:45 pm

Getting overstimulated in a conversation and walking away from it.


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17 Aug 2012, 4:46 pm

Waking up this morning an hour after I had planned and having a total meltdown, followed by being anxious all day, because of it :(


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17 Aug 2012, 5:11 pm

Another aspie moment: I was in a store and the sales women goes up to me and was like, "those earring are cute", and I turned away and walked away from her quickly. I like to shop in peace without these annoying store people.


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18 Aug 2012, 2:38 pm

Someone from my husband's work called and said they were trying to reach him so they could "bust his stones" about a mistake on a product order. They called here at home because he was at another location for the day. Th co-worker then proceeded to let me know that they remembered which location he was working in for the day and that they were going to look up the phone number and call him.
Almost in a panic, I quickly called my husband. I did have the number and was not going to let someone "bust his stones" and upset him for no good reason.
When he picked up and I told him of the horror I was trying to prevent he seemed really confused. He then proceeded to tell me that that is how he and his co-workers joke around. They tease each other about things like this, especially because the warehouse the company uses is usually to blame for the errors. He said it was no big deal but thanks for calling to warn him.

I still don't get it. Why is it funny for people to make fun of each other for mistakes no matter how they happen. I still see this as mean. I don't get jesting of this sort. Oh well, I guess as long as he understands it's a joke. :roll: Silly NT's

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18 Aug 2012, 2:48 pm

GreyGirl wrote:
I still don't get it. Why is it funny for people to make fun of each other for mistakes no matter how they happen. I still see this as mean. I don't get jesting of this sort. Oh well, I guess as long as he understands it's a joke. :roll: Silly NT's

You and me both. Most of my friends have learned not to tease me. I almost always take it seriously unless it's amazingly over-the-top obvious that it's a tease.

Today's moment, and the theme of my life, answering rhetorical questions. If it's not a famous rhetorical question, "If you prick us, do we not bleed?", I'll miss it.

Your Aspie score: 186 of 200
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Quiz updated, now even more aspie

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18 Aug 2012, 3:09 pm

I left a wedding early couple weeks ago, no-one to talk to.

I "jump" when a housemate appears unexpectedly sometimes. Embarrassing.


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18 Aug 2012, 3:43 pm

I was at Costco returning some unopened Muscle Milk powder because I'd meant to grab another brand and the employee asked me if I've tried it before and I thought she was accusing me of having sneakily opened it and got really defensive, garnering a weird and confusing facial expression and her awkwardly asking if I'd ever tried it in the past because her husband has always highly recommended it. I always feel like I'm guilty of something criminal when I'm returning things. It's funny, my Dad is the only other family member that shows a lot of Asperger's symptoms and he's the one that confuses me the most with these types of verbal misunderstandings.


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18 Aug 2012, 6:22 pm

I was in the park with my children, one of them was on a spinning ride which was being spun by some other young children we didn't know. My daughter gets dizzy so I said to her to call me if she needed me to get her off the ride. One of the children pushing the ride said "she can't call you she doesn't have a phone". I thought that because it was a young child they had made a mistake about what I meant, so I said to the child in a teasing voice "I know she doesn't have a phone, I mean to call me with her voice!" and the little girl (aged about 6 or 7) replied, "I know that's what you meant - I was joking".

I couldn't even understand the basic humour of a young child and she got the better of me. I felt so gormless.

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19 Aug 2012, 1:05 am

i was at wallyworld today, waiting in line at the checkout, when some lady tapped me on the shoulder, and when i turned around she greeted me as a long-lost friend, but for the life of me i could not remember who in the hell she was! that was TORTURE! i had to pretend that i remembered her, and i am sure she knew something was amiss but was graceful just the same. i HATE when my memory ditches me like that! i wish i was a better actor! :oops:


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19 Aug 2012, 4:09 am

Spent half an hour today listening to my mom explain to me that most best friends contact each other every couple of days just for the sake of staying in contact, not because they have anything relevant to say to each other. Until then I had assumed that my friends, like me, only contacted me when they had news or information they wanted to share, and that other times they wanted to be left alone. Good thing I got that cleared up, though it's going to mean a rather drastic change in the volume of my social life.

"Survival is insufficient" - Seven of Nine
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19 Aug 2012, 8:55 am

i realised that yesterday my comrade tried to start a conversation with me twice on our poster run and i didnt notice at all.


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19 Aug 2012, 9:13 am

tammy came to stay at my place last night. her mother was visiting tammy's sister who lives 13 km from me, and tammy had to sit on a train seat for about 1.5 hours to get here from sydney.

tammy likes airplanes, but she does not like them as much as i do. i like to fly the flight simulator very often, and tammy will watch an hour of me flying in the simulator (as long as the scenery can be described to her and she recognizes where we are), but after i flew from brisbane to sydney in real time with her watching, i realized that "that" would probably be enough of "that".

unfortunately, tammy said nothing that i found interesting to consider when i fell silent to give her her arena for expression, so i got back to talking about piloting and i guess i rambled on about the instruments in the cockpit that have to be addressed and attenuated during a flight but she suddenly went to bed (my bed is very comfortable (especially with the electric blanket on)), and i finished the rest of my conversation by myself.

the next day i took her up to her sisters place (where her mother was also situated), and when i stopped my car outside of her sisters place, 3 of her brothers were crawling around in the engine bays of their vehicles, and her mother and sister and her sisters daughters all made a fuss that i was there, and i told tammy to get out rapidly, and then i powered off down the hill before the greeting party reached my car. i have no idea how i will explain that at some time in the future if i am asked, but i guess i will have to say something like "i really had to go to the toilet".

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19 Aug 2012, 9:34 am

All of these literal comments are precious and so child-like in their responses. I personally LOVE these responses and interpretations and wish for all to have someone in their lives who appreciates the candor and finds the humor. It's wonderful and oh-so-refreshing!