Hope this link works, but this is total gold:
http://forums.delphiforums.com/n/main.a ... 2016442236Grand Dragon posts a link to someone talking about a psychopathic partner being manipulative, and uses this as "proof" that autistic people are evil. She does say "[her husband's abusive nature] wasn't because he was an aspi" (sic), but then goes on to denigrate us all later and says (yes, this is a quote) "we have a right to hate them".
Somebody points out that the article is actually about psychopaths, who are nothing like autistic people. Grand Dragon's response:
Honestly, a lot of us don't know what diagnosis our spouse is. Sometimes a person swears their spous is aspo, but a Psych. doesn't think so. We don't know who to believe and what to diagnose our parters as.
So, in the space of two posts, she goes from declaring that her hatred of autism is justified to admitting it is completely unfounded

You have to click on the post number at the top right hand corner of the opening post for the link to work correctly. I believe this is the thread you're talking about: