You hate it when people assume that all aspies are excellent at math, because you hate it, you have always done poorly at it, and may even have mathlexia. You were able to read before you even knew how to walk, but looking at algebra makes your brain turn to jelly. And if you're actually able to solve a math problem in your head you're amazed and proud you didn't even need a calculator to figure it out.
You're female and don't wear makeup because you not only hate the feeling of cosmetics on your face, but because recently you've heard that it's supposed to make you look like you want sex. And that's the *last* thing you want to look like, ever.
You talk about your favorite fictional characters as if they're real and know more about them than you do about real people in your life.
You have left a store without buying anything simply because there are over 10 people in line and only two cashiers working.
You're female and you've heard that there are other women who think they can't last a week without wearing makeup, and you think how wearing makeup every day for one whole week would be a challenge for you.
Whenever you try to clean up a mess it just seems to get messier.
You're very afraid of making mistakes and looking like an idiot in front of other people, and you have trouble doing something simple you've done maybe a million times, like use the ATM only, because your brother is standing there watching you and giving you instructions as if you've never used a bank machine in your life.
You're very annoyed that YouTube keeps recommending you videos from the beauty and fashion section. You've only watched and enjoyed maybe one video from that section and it was how to paint little black mustaches on your fingernails.
Your dolls are more fashionably dressed than you are.
The only time you actually make a huge effort with clothing and makeup is at Halloween or cosplaying at a geek convention.