League_Girl wrote:
When you have a baby, do not show photos of your baby coming out of your vagina to anyone except to your partner.
I would assume this applies to men as well, do not show photos of your baby coming out of your wife's or girlfriend's vagina.
That is soooooo funny!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !
(I hope it was meant to be funny)
Can someone tell me if I'm posting too many times? I can't help it, you guys are so cool! I haven't had anyone to talk to for a long time. NT's don't really have many meaningful conversations, I feel sad for them.
No I wasn't trying to be funny. I fail to see the humor in this? Is it because I totally didn't know and it should be obvious this isn't okay? Even aspies pick up on this too without being told and I failed to see this? But luckily only my parents saw it and my dad got offended and my husband fixed it by taking out those photos when he made more discs with baby photos on it to give to people. He forgot they were on the card so he copied everything on it and burned it and gave it to my parents. I was given like a five minute lecture from it from my husband and mother. Mostly from my mother.